how to make npcs drop from a great height

Post » Mon May 05, 2014 9:47 pm


I have in Saarthal Crypt populated the dungeon as part of my mod Sands of Time Ultimate Deadly Encounters. In level 1 in the room with the coffins up the shaft I placed 5 x markers up there out of view. I want to rain down Draugr on the player t random times once a trigger is left. Trigger and all that is fine. But even though I am spawning the draugr at the x markers way up high (which I marked as don't havok settle) the Draugr pop in on the floor. No falling motion at all. Not even sure if the game supports this function. Any help appreciated.


Scriptname sotRainDraugr extends ObjectReference  ObjectReference Property Rain1  Auto  ObjectReference Property Rain2  Auto  ObjectReference Property Rain3  Auto  ObjectReference Property Rain4  Auto  ObjectReference Property Rain5  Auto  int doneEvent OnTriggerLeave(ObjectReference akActionRef)  ;debug.Notification(akActionRef + " just left us!")  if akActionRef == game.GetPlayer() && done == 0  done = 5  rain1.PlaceActorAtMe (EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadF00, 2)   rain2.PlaceActorAtMe (EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadM09, 2)   rain3.PlaceActorAtMe (EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadM05, 2)   Utility.wait(Utility.RandomFloat(1.0, 3.0))  rain4.PlaceActorAtMe (EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadF01, 2)   rain5.PlaceActorAtMe (EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadM04, 2)   Utility.wait(Utility.RandomFloat(1.0, 7.0))    rain1.PlaceActorAtMe (EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadF02, 2)   rain2.PlaceActorAtMe (EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadM02, 2)   rain3.PlaceActorAtMe (EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadM03, 2)  Utility.wait(Utility.RandomFloat(1.0, 7.0))  rain4.PlaceActorAtMe (EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadF01, 2)   rain5.PlaceActorAtMe (EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadM06, 2)    rain2.PlaceActorAtMe (EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadM07, 2)   rain3.PlaceActorAtMe (EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadM08, 2) EndIf   EndEvent         ActorBase Property EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadF00  Auto   ActorBase Property EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadF01  Auto    ActorBase Property EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadF02  Auto     ActorBase Property EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadF03  Auto ActorBase Property EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadM00 AutoActorBase Property EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadM01 AutoActorBase Property EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadM02 AutoActorBase Property EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadM03 AutoActorBase Property EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadM04 AutoActorBase Property EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadM05 AutoActorBase Property EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadM06 AutoActorBase Property EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadM07 AutoActorBase Property EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadM08 AutoActorBase Property EncDraugr01Melee1HHeadM09 Auto
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