Me Myself I prefer rare I love it nice and succulent and juicy and red

How Do You Guys prefer your steak and why?
Bloody rare, with sauteed mushrooms. No sauce. Well tenderized.
Why? That's how it's good.
I already said it in the meat thread, but rare. A well done steak is a ruined steak.
30 minutes before grilling, pull the steaks out of the fridge, sprinkle salt on both sides (maybe add a little powdered garlic at this time) and let them sit on a plate or a rack on the counter for 30 minutes. By salting 30 minutes ahead, the entire interior of the steak gets seasoned, not just the outside.
Preheat the grill for 10 minutes on high, pat the steaks dry with a paper towel, grind on some pepper and grill for 4 to 5 minutes a side for medium rare.
That is how I like my steaks.
I've never had a truly good steak in my whole life, but I do like the taste of medium rare. Just enough for the meat to taste unique, but not so rare that it just tastes like blood. I hate the taste of blood.
I used to prefer well done when I was younger
Now I opt for medium well, Medium is alright as well but I don't like any less as I prefer my meat dead before I start eating generally.
(And yes I enjoy beef jerky so depending on my mood I don't mind chewing a bit)
Why do we need a thread on this when I JUST made one about just this a few days ago. >_>
I like mine well done, slightly charred on the outside and tender and juicy on the inside. Yum.
My family likes our steaks medium rare. If you ask us to cook it any more, we will ask you politely, yet firmly, to leave.