I think it is worth being bothered by when it very clearly manifests itself through gender disparities in different professions and social circles. I've mainly pursued interests related to music and sound throughout the years, like production and composition/theory, and the amount of women I've met in either of those I could count on my fingers. And based on the ones I've talked to it seems it's been a very uphill battle for them that can feel uncomfortable at times. The further away you get from the performance aspect the more of a sausage fest it becomes.
Likewise, when I was growing up with my sister and we go through that phase when your parents try to prod you into various hobbies and activities there was a clear gender distinction. My sister was encouraged to get into horse riding. Now this might vary regionally, and it might be different in more rural areas, but here horses are considered a very "feminine" activity. My dad tried to get me into all the typical "guy" stuff like football, hockey, etc without much success. I like animals though, and I like horses, but it never once occured to my parents that it might be worth pursuing that direction. Feels like a missed opportunity there and I never did end up having a regular social activity to attend as a child.