I'm posting this thread here because I do not think that people really go to the mods forum thinking about the Xbox version of the game. I apologise if any moderator/administrator has to move it.
Recently I started editing my Xbox save files before the CC menu for role playing purposes using the PC version of Skyrim (my PC can run it, but only on a very low FPS), although I do not know how to change the starting point (so I start just after the "who are you" dialogue in Helgen, except with my own character presets).
Skyrim's preset start off skill selector can be extremely irritating for those who actually want their characters to have some sort of history or point of expertise.
Does anyone else do this?
If so, I have questions:
- Does anyone know how to obtain vampirism using the console without it making you invulnerable to sunlight? The standard command seems to do that.
- (Advanced) Does anyone know how to change the start and then proceed to move the CC menu to that new start, with the quests correctly set up? (I'm willing to put the effort in. I would very much appreciate the help.)
- What characters have you created using this method? I'm curious.