I use an enchanted one handed mace with (69 frost + 69 fire), I was wondering if there is a better enchanted setup? Note: not looking for two handed or anything, just want to know if one handed mace has better setup?
I use an enchanted one handed mace with (69 frost + 69 fire), I was wondering if there is a better enchanted setup? Note: not looking for two handed or anything, just want to know if one handed mace has better setup?
IT is up to you really. Shock is a better element then either of them in terms of what resists it, but other than that, it depends on personal preference.
Swords provide better DPS because their damage is a little lower per blow, but they swing faster.
Maces provide better single shot damage.
If you want to add a bunch of damage, max enchanting skill and get the perk that adds two enchantments. Any element will add even more damage, and as PKMN said - lightning is resisted the least in the game. Fire though has burn damage too, so it'll accumulate even more after the strike. So add a fire enchantment and the fiery soul trap, that way you get do amounts of fire damage and I believe the burn damage stacks as well (and then you get a soul for enchanting or recharging!)