In D&D, each god has a weapon they favor over others, and so their clergy are trained in this weapon and many will use it instead of the mace (or sword in the case of Paladins) many think of when they think of Cleric weapons. I was thinking of how this might work in TES (especcialy Skyrim) when RPing a Cleric/Paladin of a specific Prince or Divine and was wondering if anyone had any tips or comments. Also wondering if people have/might use this in an RP
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Note: not sure here, there is no real weapon seen being held by her or as any artifact. The Priestess you meet in Skyrim has a dagger (though that is likely because she is considered a mage, not a healer/priest class by the game), so i just went with that for now
Favored Weapon: Bastard Sword
Note: is seen with a sword (possibly a greatsword) in daggerfall, then is seen with a great axe in Morrowind and Oblivion, then back to the sword in Skyrim. yeah, boethiah's weapon is as confusing as to what gender is wants to go with.
Clavicus Vile
Favored Weapon: Long Sword
Note: sort of similar to azura, the Rueful axe was created as irony and not because he specifically liked axes, and the umbra sword basically became its own thing.
Hermaeus Mora
Favored Weapon: Mace
Note: not a clue, just put mace because it is the basic weapon for a cleric.
Favored Weapon: Spear
Note: seen using it on a lot of his appearences, plus has the spear artifact in Morrowind.
Favored Weapon: Long Sword
note: has a sword as his personal weapon in Oblivion, so this is the only possible thing that can go here
Favored Weapon: Falchion (greatsword)
Note: while his major artifact is a Maul/Warhammer, he himself is seen with a Falchion in nearly all of his appearences. Falchions do not really appear in TES, so greatswords are the closest approximations.
Mehrunes Dagon
Favored Weapon: Great Axe
Note: same as malacath, except even in Oblivion he is seen with a Greataxe.
Favored Weapon: Bastard Sword (katana)
Note: him/herself is not seen with any weapon, so just went with the artifact weapon type
Favored Weapon: Long Sword
Note: same as Mephala's notes
Molag Bal
Favored Weapon: War Mace
Note: same as Mephala's notes
Favored Weapon: spear
Note: No idea what so ever, spear just felt right.
Favored Weapon: Longbow
Note: similar to Mephala and them, not really seen with any specific weapon, but has the Bow of shadows artifact
Favored Weapon: ???
Note: no idea what so ever, has no artifact weapon and is not seen with any weapon spcifically
Favored Weapons: Quarterstaff
Note: "uses" a dagger in Skyrim, but.....that does not really seem like it would actually be his favored weapon and seems to mostly just be dev laziness. In daggerfall, he has what looks like a staff of sorts and his artifact is a magic staff
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Note: not sure, not really seen with any specific weapon, so just went by his main artifact's type. Fork (dagger) might be a better option though, since he also has the fork of Horripalation.
Favored Weapon: staff?
Note: not really sure, i guess maybe staff since her main artifact is a staff
Nine Divines
Favored Weapon: Longbow
Note: Auriel is a part of akatosh and it is specifially stated that Auriel's bow was supposedly used by Auriel himself. Also his amulet looks like an arrowhead
Favored Weapon: long sword
edited Note: crusader relics
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Note: either this or maybe a mace. a dagger just feels right for dibella's concept, though her amulet reminds me of a mace, so not sure
Favored Weapon: Staff
Note: god of all things magey, so a staff fit. Not sure really though
Favored Weapon: Scythe (greataxe)
Note: Nature, so a scythe just seem to fit
Favored Weapon: Mace
Note: a faily generic weapon for a fairily generic deity. Also, she has a lot of similarities to teh D&D deity, Pelor, who's favored weapon is a mace
Favored Weapon: Maul
Note: Main leader of the Vigilants uses one, and a warhammer just seems to fit stendarr's concept a bit more IMO
Talos/ Ysmir
Favored Weapon: Long Sword
Note: go look at any talos statue in the game
Favored Weapon: Mace
edited Note: crusader relic
EDIT: would just like to point out, obviously the concept does not really exist in TES, but thought it would be a cool thing to do.