If you are going to wear any armor at all, then forget the alteration. I personally do not use it. At the beginning put all your points into magicka. When you are starting out and use the flame spell, do not just put out a constant flame. If you do, you will run out of magicka quickly, and it will take a while to build up again. Set the enemy on fire, then quit the spell. Set the enemy on fire, and then quit the spell. Keep repeating until the enemy is dead. Doing it this way makes your magicka build up faster and you will not be using it all in one blast. Hope that made sense.
You will also want to pick up conjuration for helpers. Use the same element for helper chosen or you could kill off your conjured helper. A frost atronach is immune to frost, so forth and so on. Also, the bound weapons are good and poisons can be applied to them.
Keep a backup sword just in case. One of the first things to do is go to the college, as when you first get there you get spell for only 30 gold. Then you get a free bed and storage until you get your own, and you get a decent set of robes and a hood to help you out. If you go on the first quest, make sure you are at least level 5/6, and during the quest you will also get a ring that adds to your health and an amulet that has cost reduction. You will also level up at least 2 levels during the quest. All the spells for all the schools can be purchased from the people at the college.
I always play as a sorceress, my twist on a mage, and I never put points into health, for I have never needed them. For the first 15 levels all my points go into magicka for the more magicka your character has, the more spells you can fling. Later I put points into stamina for the plunder I want to carry for I have no followers.
A "hot-head" character would like fire, so take the dual casting perk with the impact perk. It will cause an enemy to stagger every time they are hit with a dual casted fire spell. Take the quiet casting perk in the illusion tree so enemies will not hear you casting that spell. Take the Aspect of Terror perk also, as it adds 10% damage to your fire spells. One of the destruction perks causes fear, and because it does, it gains the bonus from the illusion tree. Also make sure you take the Augmented Flames 2 perk. I only use frost on fire dragons, and I very seldom use shock spells. Some people like frost and shock, but I do not use them hardly. If you get into a bind with enemies, a dual casted flame cloak will help very much in dropping them down.
If you intend to sneak and use a conjured bow, then take the first perk in stealth, then take the deadly aim perk for it gives 3x as much damage while in sneak. I also take perks in the restoration tree only for the necromage perk, as it grants extra damage on all spells while fighting the undead. It includes drauger, vampires, etc. It also gives bonuses such as a spell with a duration will last 50% longer, and spells with a magnitude are 25% stronger. Destructions spells will do 25% more damage with this perk, but again, only toward the undead.
Hope all this helps.