Brelyna... She may not be the most attractive lass in the land of Skyrim, but *squee* she's just too damn adorable. XD
Derkeethus. We're travelling the land together.
Current characters of mine are not married. But...
Leliana Oaken-Stone has become fond of Aela but only after some encouragement from Aela herself She was never interested in women before and likely still isn't but with Aela she finds peace and enjoyment.
Morrigan the bosmer witch has no spouse but many lovers... some who stayed for dinner because they were the main course.
Valeria Stormborn has never taken a husband but has gotten emotionally attached to several (not at the same time) Her current partner is a fellow forsworn named Geordal Troll-slayer.
All this talk of Brelyna. Love her. True she is not the cutest dunmer but she is so damn lovable and I adore her voice. I think she might be a spouse to my future RP of Lady Demona.
I just realized its been some time since a character of mine married. Kaileena, my blind vampire thief was the last to marry. She married a khajiit I added through a mod since apparently vanilla khajiit don't believe in such things.