Looking for Mod that makes ALL dungeons darker

Post » Wed May 14, 2014 10:03 am

Hi there

After a long search for a suitable ENB, I haven chosen for Project ENB, since it's very compatible with CoT.

However, I ran into a different problem this time: Dungeons are pretty bright and I don't need a torch inside.

It's recommended to use "Further Darker Dungeons for ENB" with Project ENB, but that ONLY modifies Vanilla Skyrim dungeons.

As I'm using a lot of modded dungeons (Falskaar, Wyrmstooth, Interesting NPCs, Helgen Reborn, etc) that won't fit it. Is there any mod that edits all other modded dungeons (makes them darker).

I have already taken a look at "CoT - Hazardous Dungeons", but that makes everything darker, including the light of the torch (like you put on sunglasses) so that won't do the job either.

Another option would be to give up CoT and pick an ENB which is both great for exteriors as interiors, of course.

Any suggestions/advice would be very welcome.

Thanks in advance


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Lexy Dick
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