A few questions based on the Creation Kit

Post » Wed May 14, 2014 7:30 pm

Bear with me on these questions. I've done alot of mastering after spending almost a month on this kit, but I'm still having a few problems based on some executions. Some of these are even preventing me from making some good quality quests that I wish to share with the world.

Anyway, I'll start off with triggers. With some I have a few understanding, but is there a trigger that activates by draining, damaging, or disabling magic use for a specific area? Because there's this prison/asylum that I made that contains a specific character that's a mage and she's considered dangerous, thus I want her magic drain because she's a ice sorcerer. I also want the magic drain so when my character is captured and he attempts to jail break, he relies on hand to hand more than anything and is unable to use magic. (This quest would be recommended to higher level users)

My second question revolves with another quest that I'm trying to make. For this specific quest it needs to be activated by an item in order for it to start. I'm unsure what kind of script it is and I tried to do everything that google threw at me. None of the youtube videos help me or the examples. I actually believe I need the actual detail for that specific script in order for it to compile without failing!

Thus brings me to my last and final question about scripting. Even if this isn't a custom script and was made specifically by Bethesda, I want to try making a disguise in order for the player to breeze around a dangerous faction that's heavily guarded. With this disguise, the player would be completely unharmed and is able to go on easier within the quest dialogue until he or she takes off the armor, then the faction disguise disappears. (This is another high level quest too. Would think this disguise isn't needed if the character has 100 sneak with high One Hand) And the script I'm using isn't working on the item and instead, detects and attacks my character. The script I'm using I believe is called ChangeFaction something. It reveals 4 dialogues: JoinFaction, LeaveFaction, Frenzy yes or no, and a reference cell.

So there you have it... quite alot for one questionnaire I know. I've tried Gamefaqs and tried Nexus. No one can help! All they know is how to make followers/npc's/worlds. That's it. So it's very hard for me to find a quest creator and script writer :/

I really need help. Any advice given I'll take. But I feel I wasted alot of time on these two projects if I can't make these certain things that I question about. Thank you for your patience!

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