Need tipsexample code for Text SkyUI widget

Post » Thu May 15, 2014 11:08 am

Do not know if this is the correct forum to post development questions for mods, but here goes.

I want to develop a mod that displays text using (I think) SkyUI api. I would like to be able to:

- Display arbitrary long text.

- Set font, font size, and foreground color.

- Control when text gets shown, how long, etc.

- Be able to scroll text, fade in, out.

Bascially I want my own "Debug.Notification" area, under my mod's control, that will not be clobbered by text from other Papyrus scripts that might be running...

Is this possible? How do I do it? What widget name, api?

Please help. Thanks!

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Big mike
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Post » Thu May 15, 2014 6:42 am

Oh, and I would like to host the text in the top RIGHT corner of the interface, and move all the regular SkyUI widgets (spell effects, etc), down by a fixed amount/pixels.


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Emily Graham
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