Annoying Things About Skyrim

Post » Thu May 15, 2014 7:35 pm

I haven't thoroughly or completely played Skyrim yet, but there have been some things I've come across already that I find annoying about the game. Don't get me wrong, there are good things about the game, but I was a bit disgruntled to see BGS abruptly just abandon the game without fixing some loose ends.

Here's a list of some things I found annoying about the game (in no particular order).


- of course too many bugs; game left in an unfinished state
- corpses slide downhill way too easy
- invisibility spell is almost useless; it completely blows your cover when cast
- Junk weapons are left lying around Skyrim after killing an enemy. Creates save game bloat.
- 70 voice acters and yet you only hear a handful of common distinct ones
- no female Argonian or Khajiit followers
- cheaper spells should come naturally with use/ experience; not with skill perks
- arrows hit the invisible corners of the ground/ floor when shooting downhill or around the corner, but there is a clear line of sight
- run/ walk button reverses while running and entering menu or dialogue
- 3rd person to 1st person view toggle doesn't always work
- can't improve Nightingale Blade or self enchant Nightinggale armour
- can't sprint and jump
- panning camera controls in 3rd person while riding on horseback gets messed up

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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Thu May 15, 2014 9:45 am

can't sprint or jump? You can. Space bar on the PC is jump. and spring is alt (I think)

The main thing that bugs me about Skyrim is everyone feeling the need to share something with me. "Oh I heard the Dawnguard is reforming." or "I hear you went and gave the Thalmor a black eye." after I had snuck unseen by anyone including the thalmor, killed who I needed to in Northwatch Keep and got out with Thorald again all in the dead of night without being seen. WHO THE HELL TOLD THE GUARD? Or "I hear that boy in Windhelm has been trying to summon the dark brotherhood."

Really? Why should I CARE???!! And to the next guard that suggests I'm sad because someone stole my sweet roll...

Biggest thing for me is all the forced hand holding that's going on in Skyrim. If I want to learn magic then I should work hard to learn, not ask a guard and an hour later I'm the arch mage of the college of Winterhold. I don't wanna know every time I walk past a guard that the Dawnguard has formed. I never had a sweet roll to begin with. And stop calling me a sneaky thief. I haven't stolen a darn thing! EVER.

As for the bugs. Your on the PC so install the unofficial patches, will cure this all up. As for Bethesda fixing anything else wrong with Skyrim these days... not going to happen. Patch 1.9 was the last one. They are officially done with Skyrim and have moved on. Probably working on the next Fall Out and then hopefully TES5.

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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Thu May 15, 2014 11:58 am

The most annoying thing for me is the way so many quest lines are tied to the main quest. In particular we cannot join the civil war without beginning the main quest. Whoever thought that was a good idea should be horsewhipped. I hope Bethesda never does anything like that again.

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Anna Beattie
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Post » Thu May 15, 2014 10:01 am

Oh... yes. to many quests tie in together.

Civil War requires you to start the Main Quest. The MQ requires that you join the thieves guild and the college of winterhold. (only those of us who have played the MQ enough know how to bypass this) And then there are other quests that won't even trigger until others are done. Like In My Time of Need. It won't start until you killed your first dragon.

And how about a little recognition. If the guards wanna be so chatty, stop saying to me. "Ah so your the new Companion... you what, fetch the mead?" WHAT? "No you stupid guard. I'm HARBINGER of the Companions! I put arrows in the knees of adventurers so they can become worthless guards like YOU!"

And how about the punishment system? I killed Nazeem and they let me out of prison while his body still lay in the town square LOL.

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Post » Thu May 15, 2014 2:54 pm

M'aiq speaks with many in his travels. After a time, they seem to repeat themselves. Strange.

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Post » Thu May 15, 2014 4:53 pm

The freezing.

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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Thu May 15, 2014 6:59 pm

The one that amuses me is that guards know when you are skilled at sneaking - and honestly believe that the ONLY reason you could be is for pickpocketing purposes: "Hands to yourself, sneak thief!"

Also... I can "go native" after Helgen (or with Random Alternate Start, potentially from the beginning,) never be seen as I stealth my way over to the Reach, never even get partially detected as I slip into a Forsworn camp, silently Kano a Forsworn Briarheart, and stealth away, never seen...
...and the Briarheart's corpse will hire thugs to come after me. Not his family, his heartless carcass.

Also... when Braith says "Boys, girls, dogs, elders... there's NOBODY I won't fight," why am I not allowed to take that as a challenge?

Why do I have to break into someone's house to have him tell me about how Grelod the Kind is nuot kind, if I'd sooner meet the DB in battle than in attempted recruitment?

Where is that one Whiterun guard from, that his accent causes him to speak of running f?st lest the dragon come ?fter him for sure? No one else has that accent in all of Skyrim.
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Post » Thu May 15, 2014 12:34 pm

I can indeed sprint or jump, but I can't sprint and jump like an olympian long jumper. Can't jump while sprinting in Skyrim.

Yeah, I think I had that happen to me too. An NPC making comment about a stealth mission I just did. Although I imagine the Dark Brotherhood summoning comment is to hint any player in the direction of where to join them.

I think that sweet roll comment is just inside joke with people who have used the character building questions on past Elder Scrolls games.

The "sneak thief" comment is probably one of those high skills comments like they had in Oblivion.

I know BGS is done with Skyrim. That's why some of these thing bother me still. :P Left incomplete like the bugs mostly.

Maybe you've heard all the dialogue there is to hear in Skyrim.

I guess I've been fortunate in that regard for now. No game freezing for me yet.

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Post » Thu May 15, 2014 10:31 am

The only true problem I have with Skyrim is the game freezing on me. Bugs, I can tolerate. Repeated dialogue? Sound turned off.

But there's nothing worse than being in a fight with a powerful dragon when you're about to land the killing blow and the game just stops.

Here's to hoping Bethesda uses a game engine that's more stable in its upcoming titles.

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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 12:13 am

Ironically I thought Morrowind was pretty stable compared to the ones after it which all used the Gamebryo engine.

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Vera Maslar
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Post » Thu May 15, 2014 9:02 am

In TES unnecessary geography lessons and tourist information is called 'rumors' like the one 'rumor' of the Azura shrine.

Skyrim functions like is the next step from the Morrowind game engine. [ie compare Screen/video grab Sheogorath from TES 4 & 5 and see which one seems more 'alive'].

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Emma Pennington
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Post » Thu May 15, 2014 10:27 am

Let me guess, this is one of those thread where old timer condemn skyrim and glorify morrowind. Only with different tittle.

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Post » Thu May 15, 2014 4:10 pm

A whole lot could have been better (including MY pet peeve which is the use of horses that is completely unrealistic, I mean, these people (in the game) must be really stupid not to think of combat while on horseback) but there was a whole LOT that was good. If anything, it may have caused a revolution in game-making IF the following two new games due out in the fall of 2014 continue to carry the torch and improve on what Skyrim did:

The Witcher 3 (will be larger than Skyrim, they say; mounted combat possible, they say)

Dragon Age Inquisition (after the disappointment of Dragon Age 2 this new one is inspired by Skyrim, they say)

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