An idea: The ability to train with your followers.

Post » Sat May 17, 2014 12:33 am

It'd be pretty awesome if you could train with your followers at swordplay, would it not?

That's technically how you'd start being able to use a sword, practise, not by simply going up to a frostbite spider with one.

If you approve of this idea, what would you do? How much would you put into this system? I'd like to know.

This post is just to see what people think. It's not a suggestion for either a future game or a mod.

Maybe I actually will post this in as a suggestion for TES VI some point. But not now.


Yes I do mean actually fighting your follower. I should have made that clear. Sorry.

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Post » Sat May 17, 2014 12:19 am

We can't use 11-11-11 for an excuse for them not putting this in.

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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Sat May 17, 2014 5:27 am

your right, we use the reasoning that it is not something really seen in RPG's, so why would it be in TES. Also, most of the followers are already trained with their weapon. For practicing, that is what the trainers are their for.

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Red Sauce
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Post » Sat May 17, 2014 2:06 am

They should have done this with The Companions faction *yay for mods*, it made no sense that you couldn't spar with them.

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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Sat May 17, 2014 5:29 am

Wow,you are REALLY cranking out various ideas,this is like the 9th thread. :P

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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 8:52 pm

If by training you mean actually fighting your follower, then yes, it sounds like a great idea. But if you mean paying them for your skills to level up, then no.

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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 11:27 pm

Technically speaking, Bethesda did had something like this in the Game Jam video. (Ability to train your follower in skills they are not use to and even teach them spells).

Something I wished Bethesda would've finished cause I would love to get Derkeethus to use some actual magic rather than staves.

Sadly, I think Bethesda is done with Skyrim and won't even release one little update just to add in some of that Game Jam awesomeness that is missing still.

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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 9:52 pm

I would train with Erik The Slayer. I think it would be neat.
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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Sat May 17, 2014 4:07 am

There is something like this but Bethesda left this to the modding community to implement. Maybe not on a completely flushed out manner of speaking but follower mods like UFO allow you to give your followers spell tomes and have then study/learn and use the spells. You can also tell them to train more which will raise the level of the follower beyond vanilla level cap for the follower so he/she will level with you. I will say there was not much that could stop my lv 62 character and her lv 62 follower.

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jaideep singh
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Post » Sat May 17, 2014 5:46 am

That'd be cool. I would have played the companions a lot more with this as a feature.

*Updated* And I'm glad that you approve.

Heh. Well, I have a lot of time to kill. I would probably be posting more, except then I'd be pushing others' threads down too often, which would be inconsiderate.

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Angela Woods
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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 5:51 pm

while it is not my intention to look down on console players

but i hate to tell you alot of the comments and ideas already exsist in relative simple but well done mods

bethesda could have implemented so many things into their game but console have only so much computing power compared to pc s and they had to make hard choices in what to include and whar not

ùaybe with this new generation of console more can be done who knows

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Post » Sat May 17, 2014 4:14 am

This is very true... and its not likely they would release a console version and a separate PC version with all the things the console would not have the power to handle. So the game gets dumbed down to be able to play on the weakest link (no offense meant to console players, you outnumber us PCers but keep in mind, the game was designed on a PC)

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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 2:20 pm

Like I said, this is just to see what people think. I cannot possibly criticise Bethesda for not putting this into the game, as I do not know if it would have been possible.

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Eilidh Brian
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Post » Fri May 16, 2014 5:03 pm

I know of at least two mods that let you do this with specific people (Vilja - follower mod - will spar with you if you ask, and with the Enhanced Skyrim Factions: The Companions mod, you can spar with the other whelps from the day you join, and I believe at some point you can also spar with the members of the Circle) and I like it a lot, along with a mod which allows me to use the training dummies/archery targets and actually increase my skills (very slowly, so it's not OP, just realistic). It would be awesome if it were in the base game, but as has been said, they could only feasibly include so much in a game which had to be able to play on consoles.

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Post » Sat May 17, 2014 1:47 am

It would have been nice. They did have this feature in Oblivion, in the Battlehorn Castle dlc where you could get an Orc trainer.

Sure would be a lot better than hearing how some people beat the stuffing out of Ralof or Shadowmere for experience.

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