I've just started this game and having really done much (getting ready for a shootout in town).
I am considering just restarting with the Courier's Stash DLC off this first time though. I just feel like I'm given way too much loot right off the bat. I am sure I will use this stuff in later play-throughs when I know what I want to do, but for now it's just a lot of loot. So I'm going to restart with this DLC off. Comments on this would be great.
I think I can keep the Gun Runner's Arsenal DLC on since it just adds items to be found in the game and doesn't give them to me up front at the start ... right?
I also want to just add the story DLC's (Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues and Lonesome Road) as I'm ready to play them as opposed to having all those high level quests just sitting out there in my log. Can these DLC be added one at a time during a play though? If so, what is the best level to add each one at?