Morrowind has a very simple quest map, very limited optionals optionals but free choice of order in some:
Oblivion has no quest map, it is utterly linear but with a couple of optionals:
I'm starting to see a pattern here, so...
Skyrim may have no quest map, and there won't even be optionals? I hope and actually expect more.
Why this negative trend?
Are the players of low intelligence?
Do Beth assume we are dumb?
Are the story writers incapable of writing quest friendly stories?
Are the quest planners incapable of planning such things based on the story?
Does the engine impose problems on actually executing it?
Is it the time constraint on creating the actual content?
Daggerfall was the only game that had quests that was outright hard to solve wrt mental work having to be done. I don't believe I ever had to internet cheat in MW and OB to have progress. However, I think a great improvement would be (especially main) quests that involves a little more brain work, and that this brain work was made in such a fashion that a simple solution couldn't exist on the net. You could find out *how* to think to solve a particular problem, but you'd still have to think to get a success.
But instead of ending up stuck at such quests, you could choose to "No, I wasn't able to", and then have the game give us different angles to advance through the obstacle, like having to do more quests that are simpler in nature. So what was originally a downer is now an upper as you get to see quests that others may not see. So complex that actually drawing the quest map for the wiki page becomes a quest on its own When presented the optional route, maybe something happens that blocks off access to the original one.
So if there are 40 main quests parts in total, we typically end up playing 15-25 of these. It allows easy multiple end quest locations. Different locations that really plays out the same quest, but locations makes it easy or hard (traps, puzzle difficulty, creature level bonuses etc) depending on how you've solved the rest of the game.
So we can have different introductional quests to the main story, depending on time check and what guilds you are active in. Multiple endings that doesn't affect the story. Different playthrough each time, at least enough to make replays interesting. Spinoff quests that leads to new quests in guilds, that may or may not be optional. Optional quests that trigger a shortcut or prolonging of the quest line. Pretty much endless possibilities here if it's planned for from the start (may already be too late for Skyrim).
Any thoughts?