That's what I was thinking, but it's a guess anyways and we'll get new clues if it's wrong.
I can't recall any quest involving lights atm though.
That's what I was thinking, but it's a guess anyways and we'll get new clues if it's wrong.
I can't recall any quest involving lights atm though.
Canopies above block the sky of blue. Travel to Chorrol, you'll meet a friend, who speaks of rumors two.
I've found one but there are two, and they both give me something to do.
In the hints above, I am describing the Great Forest first of all (lots of canopies), and the fact that if we go to Chorrol, here is one way the quest can begin, after speaking to one of the brothers, or some other NPCs. Also, 'I've found one (brother) but there are two, they both give me something to do' = the fact that they want US to go and clear their property for them, as if they (as Essentials) can't do it on their own.
Very well done, it certainly is Post a pic if you like, and if you don't want to or can't, someone else can take a shot.
The line that corresponded to the brothers was what I needed. It was a shot in the dark, but still.
Ah, someone else can have my turn. I've been taking screenshots as I play for this but I don't have time to come up with something right now.
Sorry for the confusion. This very first hint is perfectly vague, I meant it to be so. The hints were becoming easier with each wrong guess, it's like a backwards puzzle. I was about to mention brothers if monkeyeones hadn't snatched it, and once the word 'brothers' came up, everybody would know the answer.
Here you go.
This Reman Rune Stone is on a bluff overlooking a river.
I will guess (total stab here...) Collarbone Camp?
Hint: The river is the Strid. Note the crenellation of the Kvatch paraqet along the tree line, center left.
Near Kvatch then? Hmm.. I'll have to research this one...
No. Troll Candle Camp is not a bandit camp. You’re in the right general area, but you need to look farther east. There are two to choose from, but only one of those is above the rune stone toward the Gold Road.
I believe the camp in question is Ra'Sava camp. It has one of the big walk-in tents in it.
Very close, glargg, but you missed by one camp. The one I’m looking for is closer to the river, southwest of Ra’sava. It’s the gathering place for bandits when they plan their escapades.
Ok, it’s 9PM and this has been going on far too long, so I’m declaring my entry into “guess this location” over. The answer is Gnoll’s Meeting Camp. The rune stone in the pic is visible from that camp. glargg got the closest, and with hindsight, I should have awarded him the prize. If I do any more of these, they’re going to be really, really easy so more people can have a chance at winning.
Anyone can now have a turn. Just post your pic and ask your question.
Ah nobody got that one. Interesting.
This one's medium-hard. That pic is one of my very first cell phone attempts.
Would that be Arielle Jurard, at the Brina Cross Inn?
Wow, very good CT. You're good at discerning washed-out faces, I can see. You get a ribbon for guessing the NPC as well as the location.
Heh, too much time spent trying to get decent pictures on my phone
Unfortunately I don't have a pic to post right now, so I'll throw this up to anyone who wants to ask.