For the mod I'm working on I'm trying to setup a script that enables a series of items and unlocks a door when a static item is hit by a specific spell. It sounded simple enough in my head, and I've gotten some it done.
Scriptname GAHEnableOnHitFireBreath extends ObjectReference ObjectReference Property GAHSewersXmarkFire AutoEvent OnHitGAHSewersXmarkFire.enable()EndEventthe enable part was simple enough to get to work, but to get the script to check for a specific spell and unlocking the door (its a load door) for the player to use. I have an idea of how i should get it done but can't seam to find the information i need to make it work. And i have to write within an if/endif statement, along the lines of what i have below.
Scriptname GAHEnableOnHitFireBreath extends ObjectReference ObjectReference Property GAHSewersXmarkFire Auto((a line here with the spell property/name...))Event OnHit((ObjectReference for the spell, i think)) if akAggressor == game.getPlayer() GAHSewersXmarkFire.enable()endifEndEventWould be great if someone could direct me to a wiki site with more info on how i can get this done, or can help me with pointers to make it work