I must have done this a 100 times before but I haven't been scripting for a while. I need an activator to activate once and then become dormant. I know there is a DoOnce command but I don't know where to put it and how to script it correctly in the following script. Help please.
Quest Property MyQuest AutoInt Property StageToSet AutoGlobalVariable Property PaintCount AutoEvent OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() endIf GoToState("Done")If PaintCount.GetValue() < 6.0PaintCount.Mod(1.0)EndifIf PaintCount.GetValue() == 1.0debug.messagebox("You have found a Cityscape. Five more to find.")MyQuest.Setstage(StageToSet)EndifIf PaintCount.GetValue() == 2.0debug.messagebox("You have found a Cityscape. Four more to find.")Endif; more script to add hereIf PaintCount.GetValue() == 6.0debug.messagebox("You have found all the Cityscapes.")MyQuest.Setstage(StageToSet)EndifEndevent