An Elder Scrolls Novel: Brinishist

Post » Sun May 18, 2014 3:29 am

Hello everyone. I have always been fascinated with the Argonians ever since I've played Elder Scrolls: Arena so many years ago, and now I am writing a novel about them that I hope that you will all enjoy.

Official Synopsis:
"The young Argonian bounty hunter Tra-Vel couldn't ask for a better life. The friendship of his Dunmeri female partner, Ralsa Veran. A thriving business. But all that will change. When the call of the Hist completely fades from his mind, Tra and Ralsa set out for Black Marsh, where they discover that a group of Hist Trees have gone rogue and have convinced several Archcanons to their cause. Now the two friends have to protect Tra's father, one of the remaining free-minded Archcanons, from one of the most disturbing events since the Return of the Dragons. And it all leads to one place: Brinishist..."

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 2:01 am

Things Being Discussed In This Novel:

The Eye of Argonia- The Eye of Argonia is a legendary map that takes the form of a mystical blue diamond orb filled with light. The Eye is supposed to be able to lead those ‘whose hearts are filled with honor and courage’ to the Ytujikanetan, a sacred garden-city where the Hist originated and the Argonians first came to be. The Eye of Argonia also has powerful magical properties, able to regenerate the wielder’s magical reservoirs when depleted, and can light darkened areas. When near Ytujikanetan, the Eye of Argonia will begin to glow brighter and brighter until it gleams like a fallen star, signaling that the destination has been reached. The artifact has been sought after by the Saxhleel for many centuries, and even Men and Mer alike vie for it’s power. However, the Eye has been elusive and only a select few have come across it. These legendary adventurers immediately set out to locate Ytujikanetan, return clearly dumbstruck with amazement, then return to the garden-city, vanishing without a trace.
The First Expedition- The First Expedition were a large group of Dwemer that migrated from the Dunmer province of Morrowind into Black Marsh in the 1E 348. These Dwemer had stumbled upon the Untit, or the Elder Scroll that details the Hist’s eventual corruption and destruction of Black Marsh. However, the First Expedition couldn’t fully translate the scroll, and could only partially comprehend the parts about the Hist. The First Expedition became so infatuated with the sentient trees that they almost started a civil war amongst their own kind to study them. The First Expedition eventually fragmented from the main body of Dwemer, and fled to Black Marsh with a group of about 100. The Deep Folk soon came into conflict with the Argonians, who were later ordered by the Hist to hear out the Dwemer, who asked for residence within Black Marsh and to learn more about the Hist. The Hist agreed to the terms, but required something in return: The Elder Scroll of Trees. The Dwemer reluctantly handed over the scroll, and built three cities in Black Marsh, as well as the giant underground cave system connecting them known as the White Cavern. However, the Dwemer found out they were tricked and stole back the scroll. Using it’s power, the First Expedition vanished from this plane of existence and were forgotten. Strangely, the scroll remained behind.
Tra-Vel: “Black Marsh is not as lawless as you Imperials think. The An-Xileel have their laws. [...] So you want to know more about the An-Xileel? Well, I’m no a scholar but I can tell you some things I’m allowed to say. The An-Xileel consists of thirteen Archcanons, representatives, of the most prominent and respected clans in Black Marsh, that date back before your Tiber Septim was even born. [signs] The Hist were told to be very beautiful back then. These thirteen representatives control the thirteen regions of Black Marsh, like Shadowfen or Dyrentin”
Tra-Vel: “The process of electing the Saxhleel King is a long and difficult one. To appoint a ruler, all thirteen Archcanons engage in a battle of dreams. Yes, dreams. I do not know the exact process, but I do know that the Archcanons are directly connected to the Hist during this event, and battle with thoughts and willpower until one prevails. That one is then judged by the Hist. If deemed worthy, they are made the new Argonian King. If judged unworthy, the battle resumes again until another person is the victor. As I said before, it is a tiring process”
Tra-Vel: “My father, Lanson-Vel, is the Archcanon of Velderfern. It includes the major city of Helstrom, the ruins of Duregiva’s Wall, the small settlements of Yunrith, Dirag, and Fia, several acres of forest and swamp, and Keimal, the ancient bog where blood runs blue and dries”
Seth is the Argonian god of trickery, destruction, conquest, raw power, honor, loyalty, and violent change. He is considered the most terrifying God in Argonian Culture, and had once taken over the region of Taonetchrin (which includes the city of Gideon) when he believed that the Saxhleel were being led astray. His own father, Sithis, grew fearful of him and ordered his faithful followers the Hist and their Argonians to defeat Seth’s forces. The Hist obeyed (for their own ambitious reasons), and allegedly “ripped” power from the wild Argonian Gods, leaving them weak and unable to resist the the Void, where they retreated and haven't been seen since
In retaliation, Seth declared that a mortal warrior reborn from the Hist themselves would begin the “The Shattering of Dreams”, an event where this alleged warrior, later deemed “The Wanderer” would destroy Argonian culture to the point where Black Marsh would be nothing more than a great field of dust and bones. The Hist have passed off this Prophecy as "faux", even though it is written in a Elder Scroll itself.
Seth is sometimes called the Enigma God, due to his spheres of power directly contradicting each other. He chooses to appear in the form of a triple-headed snake with bat-like wings and two forearms, with blue scales splattered with blood.
The Brotherhood of Seth is a cult that worships Seth as a ‘honorable’ god despite his destructive nature and believes that his fondness for change is necessary for Black Marsh to survive. The organization is primarily composed of Argonians, but new recruits of Nord and Dunmer descent may mean that the Brotherhood is opening it’s doors to other races. Like their master, the Brotherhood is unpredictable and chaotically violent to those that oppose them, and have no regrets to those they leave dead in the dust.
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 7:42 am

Main Characters

  • Tra-Vel: A Argonian Bounty Hunter. Quiet, reserved, sarcastic, and honorable. He is the heir to Velderfern, the region of Black Marsh connected to the city of Helstrom. He has a love/hate relationship with his partner Ralsa after helping her rescue her father from their family crypt on Solstheim on a previous adventure a few years back. They are close, but it has not developed into a romantic relationship. His role in their bounty hunting business is combat and investigation, which goes well with Ralsa's abilities. He is 24 years old at the time of the novel.
  • Ralsa Veran- Ralsa is the current (and only) partner Tra-Vel has ever had, and his best friend. She met the Saxhleel when she requested his help when her father was kidnapped by his necromancer brother. Since then, she has become his Bounty Hunter ally for about five years. She cares for Tra, but these feelings haven't evolved into a romantic relationship between the two. Her role in their bounty hunting business is stealth and infiltration. She is 24 years old at the time of the novel.
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 1:57 am

Prologue Part I
Fourth Era 223, 27th of Sun’s Height
Business in The Jumping Flea was running slow, and Thalin River-Rusher was considering closing down the tavern when the door opened up and a new customer arrived.
He was an Argonian. Or at least Thalin thought it was male. It was kind of hard, especially with his growing age, to tell the lizards apart. As the lizard walked towards the bar, however, he could tell that it was in fact a male. The Argonian wore a light brown tunic, white breeches, and brown boots. A strange necklace hung at his neck.
From what he could see, the Argonian’s scales were a greenish-greyish mixture, and numerous spikes and horns sprouted from his head. The strangest thing he noticed about the lizard was his smile, which while friendly, also seemed to conceal a certain malice to it.
The malice was increased when he noticed that the Argonian had a Battle-Axe made from the strangest material Thalin had ever seen strapped to his back. The hilt appeared to be black glass. The blade was thin, light orange, and glowed slightly. It appeared to be very sharp.
Please let the rumors of Shadowscales be untrue, Thalin silently prayed, then slightly forced a smile to the newcomer.
“Good day, is it not?” Thalin greeted.
The Argonian sat down awkwardly onto the stool opposite of Thalin to avoid crushing his tail. He placed his hands on the table, and signed heavily.
“Good day it is indeed” he said, and began to tap the counter with his left claw as if bored. “Do you have any Argonian Bloodwine?”
Thalin almost burst out laughing. “Bloodwine? We haven’t had that in about two years, ever since that shrewd beggar Maius became my supplier”
The Argonian nodded slowly. “Can I get some Black Briar Mead instead?”
Thalin nodded and reached under the counter, pulling up a bottle and sliding it across the counter to the Argonian, who grabbed it and uncorked it.
“Thank you” he said, and calmly began to drink. The two sat there in quiet for a couple of seconds before the Argonian spoke again.
“My name is Tra-Vel” he said simply.
“Mine is Thalin” the Nord replied.
It went back to silence for several minutes after that simple exchange. Tra-Vel drinking his mead and Thalin cleaning the plates and cups.
The silence broke again.
“So, what did you say was wrong with your new supplier?” Tra-Vel asked almost innocently, taking another small sip from his drink.
Thalin raised an eyebrow, but decided to answer. “He’s a shrewd, cold man. I got into a bad gambling debt with him, so he’s been taking half of my profits and most of my popular ales in payment”
Tra-Vel finished his mead, and sat the bottle on the counter. “Why haven’t you contacted the local Jarl? That would solve your problem considerably fast”
“The problem with that is that Maius is a Thane”
“Ah, I see”
Thalin stared at Tra-Vel. The young argonian seemed to be seriously thinking about something. The old Nord was about to finish the dish washing when Tra-Vel suddenly looked at him.
“What if I could erase your debt?” he said casually.
“Huh?” Thalin couldn’t believe his ears. Either this lizard was incredibly brave and generous, or the most stupidest creature in miles.
“What if I can win back your debt?” Tra-Vel said again. “I’m good at gambling”
Thalin quickly shook his head. “You seem like a kind lad, Vel, and I appreciate the help. But Maius and his boys will drain you of all your coin”
Tra-Vel seemed to frown, resting his shoulders on the table and laid his head on his hands.
“I have a lot of coin” the Argonian said again, and slyly grinned.
Thalin’s eyebrow raised again and he signed. “I see that I shouldn’t have mentioned Maius at all. If this is the path you wish to walk, then tread lightly friend. He has the full support of the Jarl behind his back”
“I have the full support of someone too” Tra-Vel said quietly, then got up from his seat. “Where can I find this Maius?”
Thalin pointed to the far right-hand corner, where a group of four men were singing merrily and teasing the Dunmer serving girl, who appeared quite flustered. A fifth man sat at the table as well, but appeared depressed.
“You see that Breton right there? The one with the brown hair, beard, and green shirt? That’s the bastard”
Tra-Vel nodded once, and walked away from the bar. “Wish me luck”
Thalin uncorked some mead, and took a swig. “Good luck, lizard” he said with a kind heart. “But if he asks you to a game of dice, be prepared to lose”
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