A theory about the LDB and Miraak

Post » Sun May 18, 2014 10:13 am


Let me first say, that this "theory" of mine is probably wrong. It's just an Idea I had while I played Skyrim.

Clavicus Vile says in the Quest "A Daedra's Best Friend" that the LDB is as powerful as him, because he doesn't have Barbas at his site. Now, let's just say, that Clavicus Vile's power + Barbas power would equal 1. The power of Clavicus Vile alone would equal 0.5 (Barbas power too). The Last Dragonborns power would then also eqaul 0.5.

But there's also Miraak. Miraak wants to break free from Hermaeus Mora, he wants to flee from Apocrypha, and he says (as far as i remember) that he needs the LDB's soul in order to be able to become free. Miraaks power would equal 0.5, like the LDB and Clavicus Vile. Everyone knows that the LDB absorbs at the end Miraak's soul, and my theory is that the LDB's soul (0.5) + Miraak's soul (0.5) equals 1, or the power of Clavicus Vile and Barbas. Does this mean, that the Playerborn becomes as powerful as a Daedric Prince? In my opinion, yes. Or at least, maybe.

There is of course one thing that speaks against my theory: That the LDB's and Miraak's soul are "just" Dragon souls, which would mean, that Miraak could have escaped since a looooooong time from Apocrypha, by simply absorbing a Dragon's soul. But this is NOT the case. Miraak can appear for a short time in Nirn (which is the case when he "steals" a Dragon soul from the LDB), but only for a short time (and he seems somewhat transparent too).

This means that there is maybe something special about a Dragonborn's soul, something that makes it different from a normal Dragon soul. Is this possible?

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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 7:54 am

Of course there's something different about a Dragonborn's soul: it's encased in a mortal coil. That's not exactly normal for a dragonsoul.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 12:36 pm

I think it is that Miraak did not do his job and Akatosh just basically let Hermeus Mora have the soul. In reality Miraak was not dead until he was killed right?

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Brad Johnson
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 4:16 am

I'm more powerul than Alduin. I just got backstabbed by Hermaeus Mora.

Well... that was a nightmare, I actually killed the LDB then read a black book and escaped Apocrypha.
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 12:30 pm

I believe we take the dragonsouls from Miraak, not his soul. Miraak is now forever confined to Apocrypha as Herma Mora's plaything. I also believe had he killed the LDB he would not have absorbed our soul but the soul of the dragons we killed which to some are quite a few. My character alone had nearly 100 counting the souls I had 'in the bank' and those used to unlock shouts.

His original plan was to use the stones to free himself, when we happened along he saw the opportunity to use our power after the stones were neutralized by using the Earth stone he had remaining at his temple.

Edit: As for power there is no doubt the LDB is one of the most powerful figures to ever walk Nirn and may ascend because of it. Mantling Herma Mora is distasteful, I would rather mantle Akatosh from which the LDB gained his power.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 3:47 pm

The Enantiomorph.



Nowadays I'm convinced the LDB is to Shezarr, what Wulfharth was to Shor, and what Tiber was to Lorkhan. Especially since of the 3 the LDB like Shezarr is the closest related to Akatosh.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 12:24 pm

There are so many enantiomorphic events that the LDB has taken part in...

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 11:12 am

It's not just a Dragonsoul. Their souls(especially Miraak considering his history) also contain the souls of ALL the dragons they have absorbed. It's all accumulating there.

Anyway LDB is going to ascend. There is no doubt in my mind about that.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 3:53 am

^This. I really love Hevnoraak's theory of the FDB and LDB becoming one. Like Wulfharth/ Zurin/ Tiber becoming Talos. I also agree, the LDB will become the next Talos.

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