Playing through Dragonborn,
Or, am I just being silly?
Playing through Dragonborn,
Or, am I just being silly?
Console commands can get you past Gardener of Men quest. And honestly this part of the Dragonborn DLC made me feel like a real ass.
Well I think you do have some choice. One is either you force the dude to spill his secrets, or the other way which is where he makes the decision to do it.
yes but he shouldn't have to give up their secrets and his life. Even if he agrees to willingly. There should have been an FU MORA option.
Options? In Skyrim? That would be clever. Maybe TES VI will have some.
He also said that
It was awful, but I
That is my fear. I think it would be just so great if I could tell Mora, "HAH! I know something YOU don't, you pathetic Prince of Knowledge. NYA! NYA!"
I think at the very least, there should have been changing dynamics based on how you went about the quest. If you force him into it, he dies. If you're able to convince him to do it, he lives. Or vice versa. Or maybe you could force him do to it before cleansing the stones, and that would lead to his death.
The whole questline from then on felt dirty:
1. Sacrificed a skall to hermeus mora who didn't want to discuss the skall's secrets with Stron over a cup of canis root tea.
2. Do multiple things that alligned with herm's goals
3. herms stole the 1st DB's spotlight
4. Herm's stole my kill
Is nothing sacred?
was piss off one years ago after the end of dragon born but now i see thing differently. now that skyrim is over n the dohvakin is link to hermanus mora. well if one day they have a elder scrolls 6 n they still have daedric quest. maybe the one with hermanus mora will evolve our dohvakin(a kind of mini dragon born quest .like the dlc) where or elder scrolls 6 character must kill our dragon born character from know.