I like how she always praises how intelligent her mother is, when her mothers hiding place is obvious and easily found, and her plan for Serana was also not exactly mind-blowing.
I like how she always praises how intelligent her mother is, when her mothers hiding place is obvious and easily found, and her plan for Serana was also not exactly mind-blowing.
considering how difficult it can be to get the elder scroll for Skyrim's MQ, you'd think her mother could have done a better job hiding those two.
And that's what I find kinda strange. Both her and her mother have a scroll. But how did they come by them? And considering reading them makes you go blind unless your surrounded by lovely butterflies... or standing in a time scar. What were they so worried about?
And to bring up a point, sunlight does not harm the vampires in Skyrim. Sure they become slightly weaker... but enough to wish to darken the sun? which in turn then causes other life to die and eventually kill off the source of food for the vampires?
I say Serana is simply suffering from the stupidity gene her whole family seems inflicted with.
Yeah, she is still annoying. But at least now I can admire scenic views from atop mountains, without worrying that she might push me off by walking into me.
Yes, she may be a bit, well... dippy at times, but I can't not love her. She's easily one of the most well defined characters in the game, and I feel that Silva'al... at one point may have considered an affair with her. Nothing became of it though, gladly.
Don't tell Brelyna, though.