Okay, so I get to arkngthamz and got the quest to go to the tonal lock...well big problem. I got both of the diaries/scraps of paper and it says from top... 3 x...from bottom x x 2, then the diary says from top x x from bottom 1 x 2...so I go and hit tonal lock 1...and it goes green, but when I do 1 x 2..the second one goes up but does NOT play the note or turn green. What the crap...I thought...so I tried it again, but no matter which tonal lock I hit none after the 1st one goes up and turns green. Now the combination I've tried was as follows: from top 3, 4..and from bottom 1, 5, 2, but for some reason the game says that this and all other combinations are wrong. I have attempted the following fixes: loading from a previous save, shutting off my xbox and leaving it alone for almost 2 weeks, leaving the area (going back into Skyrim and re-entering Arkngthamz, I even tried returning Zephyr to where you get it from the log and this has not even worked...I play Skryim on the Xbox 360 and this bug/glitch is beginning to grate on my last nerve...I have attempted every single fix that I could google and even that some other people have mentioned, but I am still having no luck whatsoever. So does anyone know something that could help fix this this bug or am do I have a faulty disc? I mean I own the PC version of Skyrim as well and not once have I had these issues/bugs until the I got the 360 version (all bugs/issues/glitches are only caused on my 360 version)...so any help would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks