[Relz] Sculelos Skryim Hyper Combat Realism

Post » Sun May 18, 2014 5:06 pm

This mod is actually more of a physics realism and combat physics realism test mod. If you want a true combat mod try Duke Patrick's Heavy Weapons combat mod here http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1458093-duke-patricks-archery-and-heavy-weapons-combat/ as his is far closer to a combat simulator then mine. If you want to be adventurous you could always try to combine ours and tell me of the results. I have only tested my mod out with Vanilla Skyrim with Dragon-born installed but it will work on ANY Skyrim config, however I cannot promise that it will not create unexpected bugs. Probably best to test it out for a hour or two with your current mod list with my mod LAST, then decide if you want to keep it or not. This is not a difficulty mod, nor does it change anything besides the physics of the game, and the A.I. values to make enemies more dangerous and unpredictable, however A.I. is still quite stupid but this does remove some of their built in handicaps so it will increase difficulty depending on what weapons and magic your enemies have available to them.


Hyper Combat realism means this combat and movement is inspired to be as close to real life physics as Skyrims engine allows for. This Mod is designed to be played with vanilla with NO other gameplay mods and it's designed to work without SKSE since that mod just slows my game down too much and I find it personally annoying.

So features of this mod.

* More realisic movement
* More realistic combat
* Played best with Vanilla game with no other mods except official DLC
* Lite-weight at only 16KB
* Extreme realism enhancement in a small package.

This is a major GSM overhaul so it might or might not work with your existing mods depending on if they use the touched GSM values. However this was the only way I could create this mod to be the way I wanted it so if you want my changes LOAD this mod last. If you want someone elses changes after mine LOAD mine before theirs. However as all mod authers I highly recommend you load my mod LAST.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 1:12 pm

What exactly does "more realistic movement" and "combat" mean?

In other words, I still have no idea what does this mod does exactly

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Lory Da Costa
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 11:02 am

It simply makes the physics of reaction of movements and combat movements in combat more realistic and the computer A.I. more realistic, that is it. It does nothing else.

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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 5:36 pm

It would be better, given the mod scope, to explain exactly how the mod works. "Realistic" is a highly subjective and abstract word that means nothing. Just my two pennies.

It could mean you've made NPC's open their bowls when they bleed out. Or it could mean that they swear a lot more... Could mean many things.
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Nina Mccormick
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 5:50 pm

I agree, more description is needed. Does it make it feel like you have momentum? Does hitting enemies have possible ragdoll, if your weapon is heavy enough? Does it change the fall damage and jumping mechanics (and how? more/less damage, damage sooner but scaling slower?) You can't call it hyper realistic without describing to us what changes you've made and why they're realistic. And the "combat" is a bit tenuous, given you've said it only changes physics, and there's not much physics in the vanilla combat (damage is determined by skills and weapon quality, not speed at which it hits, for example).

Don't mean to bash the mod, as it has the right aims (much of the physics in vanilla needs work) but it's hard for us to tell what you've done.

Also I'm surprised to hear that SKSE slows your game down by any significant degree.

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Nicole Mark
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 2:12 pm

I too am intrigued and would love to see a more detailed description. Also, seeing as your mod obviously doesn't require SKSE, why devote a section of your description merely to bash it?

- Hypno
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 2:00 pm

Basically changes everything to do with movement. Jumping is changed to be more realistic and falling has more damage faster, two handed weapons swing slower, shields and weapons have more force to them. It's harder to strike critical hits, computer A.I. is much more aggressive and won't do stupid crap on purpose. You can no longer climb impossibly high mountains by zig-zaging up them like in vanilla.

Honestly listing all this mod does would take me all day since I modify about 250 different GSM files to make it more realistic. Just try it if you want my flavor of realism however note that the only thing this mod does is touch GSM values so any mods that depend on the same values as I touched might get bugged however I expect most mods will be just fine as most are too scared to mess with GSM values. If you clean my mod in any sort of way it will pretty much nullify any changes I made as mod cleaners tend to get ride of GSM value changes.

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Anthony Rand
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 5:44 pm

Cleaning means to undo either identical or deleted records. It doesn't delete any changed record from your mod.

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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 1:04 pm

Just gonna double down on vague, huh? That's not cool.

Do characters move faster or slower? Since 'physics' are involved how many 'science units' are effecting run speed?

Are all weapon swings slower now, or just two handed?

How does gravity, apparently the focus of your mod, make enemies have better AI? Have you renamed all mooks varations of Issac Newton? That'd kinda be cool... and less vague.

Maybe yer gonna have to take all day explaining it, cuz all I am getting right now is 'SCIENCE POWERED!!!' and that yer too lazy to clean your esp.

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alicia hillier
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 10:06 am

Thank you, this is helpful. I believe at a certain point in an important questline one has to survive a long fall (easy in vanilla as it does less than 100 damage), is that still possible? (I can't actually remember where it is, mind. Just that it's something other mods have had to worry about)

Also, a video would be great in explaining to people how the mod feels, if there's too much to fit into words. I know testing it is the quickest way for someone to find out how it plays, but as it takes a lot of effort to get a clean modlist/add new mod/start new game, most people prefer to know if they want the mod before downloading.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 3:57 pm

This mod is as close to scientific reality as I can make it. Yes it has reduced jump and fall distance. You also move slightly faster then vanilla but ran out of stamina quicker. Two handed weapons are slower. The A.I. is a lot more aggressive. Perhaps not more challenging but yet fights will tend to last shorter amounts of time and fighting groups of NPC's is much, much more dangerous.

If my mod has problems with a certain quest you could always try to get the shout that allows you to fall distances without getting hurt. Or you could always use Godmode for that quest only since that might be a workaround if my mod kills you.

Alternatively since I use zero scripting my mod can be turned off and back on safely and effectively and it will not impact your game so that is another work around.

This mod is 100% clean as you can turn it off then back on then repeat as often and as long as you like. However if you do it mid-game expect to have more difficulty surviving as this mod makes stamina, health and magicka more important then it was before. A balanced build should have no issues, however a build that focuses only on 1 out of 3 is going to be gimped.

Shields and weapons also can stagger more, especially heavier weapons except now they are much slower but also swing with much more force so if you want to knock enemies around use big weapons. If you want to strike fast use small weapons. Momentum should theoretically work in this mod to increase damage but I'm not entirely sure if the game has built in values for it.

If you want to test this mod out in your current system make a backup of your saves put this mod at the end and let err rip. It should be 100% safe unless your running scripted mods that depend on my GSM value changes. However I do think that is a rarity but I don't know as I'm not a scripter and only know how true physics work and replicated that as closely to real life as I possibly could. Remember that gravity in Skyrim is and will be slightly lower then on Earth as the world-space is lower and they do indeed have two moons so you can move and run faster and also swing your weapons faster then real life earth physics would allow but it seemed to me that was the direction Bethesda wanted the game to be so that is the way I made my mod.

In short just try and if you don't like it, it should be 100% safe to deactivate as none of the changes will stick with your save game if you deactivate it.

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Chase McAbee
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 5:56 am

Any chance to see it on nexus ? I really don't want to deal with steam more than I have to.

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