[RELz] Simple Melee Tweaks

Post » Sun May 18, 2014 11:40 am

Simple Melee Tweaks

by Tiny Lampe

version: 2.7b

Script-based, player-centric combat overhaul for TESV Skyrim

Requirements: Skyrim 1.9, SKSE 1.06.16, MCM

Download: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/39054/?

Important technical note and mod limitations:

Scripts are spread using a cloak spell. Although care has been taken to avoid conflicts with brawl-related quests, please usehttp://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24020/? if you still have any.

This mod only affect fights where the player is one of the contenders. Meaning: if the player fights a wolf, the fight will be enchanced by my mod. If any other actor (Lydia, a mudcrab...) fights the same wolf, then the fight will remain 100% vanilla. That's why I call this mod 'player-centric'. That's a limitation I'd like to address, but I need new SKSE functions for that.


-----1. Player staggers when hit. If the player fails to block a physical attack with a shield/weapon or a magic attack with a ward, then he will stagger.

--The intensity of the stagger depends on the strength of whatever hit the player. A hit from a large creature will make the player touch the floor with his knee while a hit from a 1H weapon will only make him lose balance for an instant.
--Since the purpose of the staggers is immersion instead of frustration, most staggers are only cosmetic. Meaning: they do not impede movement. Any attacks started before getting staggered will be interrupted however. This is to discourage button mashing and to prevent unrealistic behaviors like being able to draw a bow while roasted by a flames spell.
--The only staggers that prevent movement and will leave you defenseless are those that come from arrows and projectile spells. There are ways to turn those 'full-body' staggers into cosmetic staggers however: against arrows, it's enough to wear a heavy cuirass. Against spells, it's enough to have a magic/elemental resistance that is at least equal to the magnitude of the incoming spell (exampple: if you have a magic resistance or fire resistance of 25%, firebolts (that have a magnitude of 25) will only cause cosmetic stagger while fireballs (that have a magnitude of 50) will cause full-body stagger).

----- 2. Opponents stagger when hit if hit hard enough.

--In general, if you manage to take 25% of the opponent's CURRENT health with one hit, that opponent will stagger. This system ensures that staggering a weakened opponent is much easier than staggering one in full health. Example: opponent has 300HP. To stagger him you need to deal 75 damage in one hit (0.25*300). After a bit of fighting, the opponent has only 50 HP. Now you only need to deal 12.5 damage in one hit (0.25*50) in order to stagger him.
-- It doesn't matter what you use to hit the opponent; tt can be melee weapons, arrows, spells or shouts.
-- Since the script only cares about whether you take 25% of an opponent's remaining HP or not, anything that reduces incoming damage (armor, spell resistances...) is automatically taken into account. This means that staggering an opponent in heavy armor will be harder than staggering an unarmored opponent. Similarly, staggering a Dunmer using fire spells will be harder than staggering a Nord.
-- there is a special reward for taking away 50% of an NPC's current health in one hit: they will briefly kneel on the ground and, if you activate them at that moment, you will perform a weapon-dependent finishng move (impale for swords, decapitation for axes).

------ 3. NPCs (but not creatures) try to avoid getting hit.

-- NPcs that wear no heavy armor will dodge left or right when you throw arrows or spells at them. This behavior only occurs if they have line of sight with the player. The further away the NPC is, the more likely are his dodges to effectively evade incoming arrows and spells.
-- NPCs that use a shield and are close enough will charge at you if you are in the process of drawing a bow or charging a spell. This is the same animation unlocked by the level-100 block perk 'shield charge'. Unlike shield charge though, if the player gets hit we won't be knocked down. He will be disarmed instead. As before, the NPC needs line of sight with the player in order to perform a charge.
-- If you stagger a NPC with a melee weapon and that NPC is not wearing heavy armor, the NPC will perform a backwards dodge in an attempt to avoid being hit a second time.
-- If you stagger a NPC with a melee weapon and that NPC is wearing heavy armor, the NPC will block and, sometimes, perform a bash in an attmept to neutralize any further attack from the player
-- If you stagger a NPC who has a spell or staff equipped in his left hand, the NPC will teleport away from the player and reappear somewhere nearby. If the NPC knows how to heal himself, he is likley to do so now that he has created some distance between him and the player.

------ 4. Player skill matters

--Timed Blocking: By blokcing a swing right before getting hit you perform a timed block. Advantage: blocking effectiveness is doubled. Example: if a hit would normally deal 20 damage through a block, it will only deal 10 damage through a timed block. Stacks with shield wall perks.
--Dodging: the player can perform a backwards dodge by pressing a user-configurable button (default K). 3 requirements need to be fulfilled in order to dodge: 1) weapons must be drawn, 2) you can't wear a heavy cuirass, 3) you must be moving backwards while you press the dodge key. Dodging while wearing a light cuirass increases your light armor skill. For reasons beyond my control, dodging doesn't work when both hand are empty or a spell or staff is equipped in either hand.
--Stamina Management: if your stamina is above 75% your physical attacks deal 25% more damage. If you let your stamina drop below 25% then they deal 50% less damage. If you let your stamina drop to 0 then you will kneel on the ground for several seconds out of exhaustion. When in combat, stamina regenerates as fast as when out of combat provided that you are neither attacking nor blocking.


If it has nothing to do with combat: compatible
If it has something to do with combat: it depends
Perk mods: all compatible but one consideration: perks that increase weapon speeds should be avoided in order not to unbalance my stagger durations
Mods that alter combat styles (like enchanced enemy AI): compatible
Other combat overhauls (deadly combat, DukePatrick's...): not compatible

Installation, Uninstallation and upgrading

To install place the script folder and the .esp file inside your data folder. Check the .esp file to activate the mod. Or install with a mod manager. For those who use WryeBash, mod is bain-ready

Uninstallation: this is a script mod so the only way to fully uninstall it is to remove all the files AND revert to a save file that has never seen the mod.

Upgrading: simple install over and say yes when asked to overwrite.

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Marion Geneste
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 7:41 am

This sounds interesting. Do your Stamina and timed blocking changes affect both actors and player, or player only? I usually like to use mods whose changes affect everyone equally. Unless there's a good reason, I don't like to be the only one laboring under a handicap.

Anyway, congratulations on your mod. :)

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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 3:59 pm

hm, sounds interesting, but i would prefer is light armor wasn't just worse than heavy in all regards.

how about "glancing blows" in light armor was switched to "evade stagger completely"?

this would give the feeling of a more mobile fighter in lighter armor. either get hit hard, or dodge and take less punishement by evading.

currently there is no benefit for going light in any way.

you could add a stamina consumption to the evade movement, maybe dependent on armor weight (either as an alternative to the suggestion above, or as an addition)

this would give both armor choices a special feel.

also: why not just limit the armor check to the chest piece? the enhancement would then function irregardless of item mixing. better than not functioning at all when weaping the wrong boots.

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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 6:31 pm

@ Shelly Mars: everything in this mod is player only. NPCs are very bad at managing stamina so if I add my changes to them it would be too easy for the player to exploit (wait for them to deplete stamina, see how they kneel on the ground, attack 'till they die). Of course further scripts could be used to improve NPC AI but then we incur in other problems, mainly script lag. This why in the end I decided to make everything player only. Thank you for your interest :smile:

@Gruftlord: I had an idea for a dodge move just for light armor. It's not perfect yet though. If I can improve it enough I will update. About checking the chest piece, that's exactly what I'm doing. However, how to check if a chest piece in particular is let's say heavy? The only thing I can do is a) check whether player wears a chest piece and then b ) check if he doesn't wear any light armor. Then the chest piece must be heavy. If you know of a better way please do tell me and I will happily change it. Also, thanks for you interest :smile:

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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 3:48 pm

hm, i see the problem now.

how does it work right now, if the script doesn't find a suitable combination of armors? will it place you in the no armor category or will the mod not work at all? it should be the first.

then, if it does detect 4 pieces of armor (light or heavy) place in light category. (maybe add check to place in light category as well with 2 heavy 0/1 light, or just 3 light?)

last: 4 heavy: place in heavy category.

this should at least keep the mod functional for a wider selection of combinations

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 9:37 am

I'm good! Well no, the SKSE guys are good. It turns out that I can use a function to detect whether a particular piece of armor is light or heavy. I just tested the updated script and it works perfectly. So: now you can mix and match. The only thing the script cares about is whether your chest piece is light or heavy. I'm updating the mod.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 3:20 pm

News: version 1.2 uploaded at TesAlliance (Nexus is still acting up so I'll wait a bit more)

Changes: adds dodging mechanic.

How it Works:

The player can perform a quick dodge by pressing a user-configurable button (button can only be remaped through a MCM window)
To be able to dodge, 3 conditions must be fulfilled: 1) weapons must be out 2) player must not be wearing a heavy cuirass 3) player must be moving backwards
Each dodge costs a fixed amount of stamina: 10 points
During the first 0.4 seconds of the dodge animation the player cannot be harmed. This is to counter the fact that melee weapons in Skyrim have an unaturally high reach.

Performance: at least in my machine, the Dodge is extremely responsive: 0 script lag.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 5:44 pm

Just a heads up: mod has been updated to version 1.2a (bugfixing only, see changelog) and finally uploaded on Nexus (link in the first post). Unless more bugs are found I consider the mod complete. Feel free to suggest ideas for an eventual 'Simple Archery Tweaks' though ;)

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Crystal Clear
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 9:47 am

Mod updated to version 1.3

To upgrade, please install version 1.3 on a save file that has never seen any previous version of this mod. Else the new features may not work as intended.

What's new?

Modifications to the player stagger feature:

- Spells that are continious (like novice destruction spells) only stagger cosmetically while fire-and-forget spells (like a firebolt) cause full-body stagger. No vanilla record has been altered to achieve this.

- New player stagger system against creatures. It includes the following feature: if a creature is very large and strong (dwarven centurions, giant spiders...) their hits will ragdoll you unless you block them. This makes fighting these monsters more believable. VERY IMPORTANT: measures have been taken to prevent the player from being ragdolled AGAIN when he is getting up from a previous ragdoll. However, for these measures to be effective you need a faster get-up animation. I use the one provided by this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17491//?

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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 5:09 am


Mod has been updated to versiĆ³n 2.7b. This is a massive update. Please read the opening for the new features.

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