Candrian's Balanced Magic
- Fixed the magicka cost on Magelight.
This is the final non-DLC version. Next up is balancing changes to the spells added by Dawnguard and Dragonborn.
This lightweight mod changes some aspects of the magic system in Skyrim for better balance. I've always felt that other popular
magic balancing overhauls goes way overboard in the features they change and add. The goal of this mod is to make balancing
and conveniency changes where needed and still keep the original feel of the game intact.
List of changes:
- Normalized destruction spell costs between the elements
I found that ice magic beeing more costly than fire and lightning magic beeing more costly than ice to be a poor design choice.
Each of the elemtents have their own strengths, and lightning is by no means "better" than fire in my experience. In vanilla Skyrim
you had no reason to specialize in any other element than fire, as it did the most damage and cost the least magicka. Now you
finally have some incentive to specialize in lightning!
- Perks increase destruction damage
Why is it that all the weapons have perks to give flat damage bonuses and not destruction? Now the Novice, Apprentice, Adept,
Expert and Master destruction perks each increase damage with all destruction spells by 10% each, for a total of 50% with the
Master perk. Note that lightning bolt spells should no longer be used to tickle the pretty girls at the Bard's College.
- Impact replaced
...With a perk that decreases costs on all destruction spells by 20%. This perk has always been grossly broken, making a dual
cast destruction spell an IWIN button as long as you have magicka. Now it's replaced by something that is still pretty damned saucy.
However, I have also uploaded a patch that reverts this change in case you don't have a problem with the perk as it is.
- Rune and Cloak spell magicka costs decreased
I never really used these spells as other destruction spells are more useful compared to magicka costs. Lets hope these spells gets
increased usage now.
- Heavily reduced Ward spell magicka cost
I never felt ward spells were worth casting because of their hefty magicka cost as well as occupying a hand. With greatly reduced
costs you might find that it could actually be worth using one of your hands for these spells.
- Improved Dual Casting
In vanilla Skyrim the magnitude/cost rating of dual casting is 2.2/2.8. In simpler terms, this means you were paying magicka for almost
3 spells for a measly 20% increase in magnitude. I changed this to a rate of 2.5/2.8, meaning dual casting is still less magicka-efficient,
but the damage increase is 50% instead of 20%.
- Better lighting on the light Spells
Changed the light on Candlelight and Magelight to reach further and not be so eye-blastingly intense.
- Increased durations on some buffs
Durations on Oak/Stone/Iron/Ebonyflesh, Candle/Magelight and Courage/Rally has been increased from 60 to 180 seconds. Recasting
buffs all the time gets annoying. Note that the duration on Dragonskin has not been changed.
- A buff to bound weapons
Bound weapons really svck in vanilla. Now the "bound weapon perks" Soul Stealer and Oblivion Binding increases damage with bound
weapons by 50% each. Not bad.
Keep in mind that this mod is likely to conflict with any other mod that edits the destruction perk tree, as well as the two perks mentioned in
the Conjuration tree. This means you need to be caucious about using this mod together with mods like Skyrim Redone. In addition, the
damage boost to bound weapons won't work on bound weapons added by other mods. This is because I needed to create a new keyword
for the bound weapons to make this feature work. If you use a mod that adds bound weapons without touching the perks, the mod will work
just fine, and you can send me a message if you want me to make a patch to apply these keywords to the new bound weapons.
Please rate, comment and endorse this mod if you found it to your liking.

- Candrian