Whats the best combat overhaul mods for melee?
Preferably more lightweight than something like SkyRe.
Both/either just combat overhaul or melee perk overhaul.
Whats the best combat overhaul mods for melee?
Preferably more lightweight than something like SkyRe.
Both/either just combat overhaul or melee perk overhaul.
You've asked this before. So I'll just repost what I've written in your other threads (for the benefit of others, who might find the suggestion useful).
I like http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24377/? by WTFus. It's a lot smaller in scope than SkyRe but is just as good, in my opinion, and accomplishes many of the same things. And a few that SkyRe doesn't. In addition to overhauling combat I think it is also the most inventive perk overhaul mod around. What it does with perks is sheer brilliance. If one plays a thief or mage-oriented character this is a particularly good overhaul mod. For thieves the mod adds a new Inventing skill tree that allows us to make traps and bombs and other nifty devices. And its overhaul of the armor system adds perks for unarmored characters, which can be handy for mages and other characters we might roleplay who don't use armor.
Im sorry, you are right I asked this before. I think I just zoned out for awhile here. Sorry.