I wanted to do this for a long time. Much like a Robin Hood type of character.
I pretty much like the idea of a sneaky fighter who uses a bow to put an end to her opponents quickly, and a blade in those common moments where she decides to just run into a group and spill some blood. Maybe even illusion?
The problem is that you have to be a thief if you want to become a Nightingale. It is not too much of a big deal, because my character could start out like a poor woman who joined the guild out of despair. So eventually she feels sorry and stops aiding the guild. However, Riften will still hate her.
I can always refuse to become a guild master, no problem. And ofcourse steal from the snobby rich ones to give it to the poor. And ofcourse aiding the Jarls and the people.
However, other than that I can not think of ways to be a good moraled Nightingale, do you have any ideas?