So far that is the only time my character has gotten married in the game, and I got the game when it was released.
Jenassa might not be the most beautiful, but I think she is a wonderful wife!
So far that is the only time my character has gotten married in the game, and I got the game when it was released.
Jenassa might not be the most beautiful, but I think she is a wonderful wife!
I think I see where is this going...
I always give Lydia a call... when I need someone to carry me, because I'm such a burden.
Yeah, that killed me about Muiri especially, heck she's the kind of girl I myself am (sadly) drawn to, yet she gets only two sentences forever if you marry her. I've read there are some fixes for it but they all seem to come with warnings about how easy it is to break other things in the process. Even if she wasn't glitched she's still wasted in that role, there was Serana-level potential there.
I usually wind up with Sylgja. She's cute, sweet, and her mom is pretty darn cool.
Sylgja is adorable - her biggest flaw in her vanilla state is that she can't be a follower (I've so far only married followers, and I probably always will). In my current playthrough I have a mod to make Ralof a follower, and I've been thinking of building the small house at Lakeview Manor, install him there as steward, and then use mods or console commands to bring Sylgja there and RP them as a couple. They would be so cute together.
But I haven't decided yet. It's possible my Breton will end up wanting Ralof for herself.