I have heard it here that Anska is only seen once, and then nobody knows where she goes...
But the scroll she gets from the tomb you raid with her supposedly "Links her family all the way back to YSGRAMOR"...
There is a Ysgramors Tomb out in the islands to the north - with three obvious tunnels leading out of the room, but no apparent way to open the stone doors that block those tunnels.
At the feet of the statue in the middle of the room is a broken sword handle, and a broken sword blade...
I smell either a massive easter egg here, or a DLC that has not yet been written!
No matter what I have done in the past - I can find no way to mend that sword, or to open that dungeon to explore it further.
But if you know anything about this - is there more to the story or isn't there?
All of these things fit together somehow - it goes around and around in my mind