» Mon May 19, 2014 1:07 am
There's a couple ways to go about it, depending on your mod options.
1. Paladin: in a historical sense, Roland and his twelve captains, the rear guard of Charlemagne.
General archetype: Straightforward heavy warrior.
Race: Recommended Breton / Imperial.
Skills: Light armour (think chain, not plate,) 1h or 2h, block, archery (bow, not crossbow.)
RP: You're rather similar to a military officer or a huscarl.
2. Paladin: as somewhat of a combination of D&D and high chivalry. (D&D used to incorporate high chivalry more, reaching its peak in a Second Edition splatbook, but has toned it down.)
General archetype: Morally upright crusader with some defencive magic.
Race: Any.
Skills: Heavy armour, 1h, block, restoration, alteration, speech.
RP: You are unwaveringly loyal to your preferred god (who should be Aedra, not Daedra, and not Talos,) and liege, a true gentlemen with the ladies, and highly ethical. If someone asks you to break laws, you've already decided to say no halfway through their request. In battle, you do not strike first and certainly not against any person in the yielding posture, though your opinion may vary with respect to non-people or undead.
Faction notes:
DG vs. vampires: DG, but be very careful about the radiants as some of them require acts that are technically forbidden to you. Of note, vampire-in-court requires pickpocketing, and vampire-in-street requires attacking with initiative. (Not to mention that the vampire counterpart to vampire-in-street wants the player to false-flag as a Dawnguard and straight up publicly murder someone as though s/he were doing vampire-in-street.)
Companions: No.
DB: Can't start either path (unless you have a mod that lets you start the chain at Maro.)
3. Paladin: the Blizzard version.
General archetype: A mercenary soldier who uses magical defences and radiates auras to aid or hurt surrounding actors.
Race: Redguard (Diablo); Imperial, Khajiit, Argonian, Altmer (WoW.) Khajiit and Argonian roughly stand in for tauren and draenei.
Skills: Heavy armour, 1h or 2h, block, destruction (cloaks.) If you have a mod that adds aura spells, then whatever skills govern the aura spells (eg, restoration in SkyRe) also.
RP: Up to you.