It’s night.
You’re walking in the snow on the way back from a quest.
You come to a building sharply on your right.
It’s fairly large and has two stories with windows too stained to see through. It looks abandoned.
The building itself is inaccessible save for a path leading up through the middle due to the fences that surround it.
You follow the path and come to an entrance.
Its entrance is a large door covered with horker tusks.
You shrug, and push the door open.
You enter a large hall.
There are tables and chairs placed all over the room with a throne at the far end of it. Corpses are all over the wooden floors.
A large bearded Nord wearing some sort of horker tusk armour approaches you, blood seeping through it.
“You,” He spluttered, “you must take my place.”
“What happened here?” you say, ever curious.
“The guild must not fall,” he manages, coughing even more now. “Kill them. Kill them all. The guild MUST NOT FALL.”
“Who did this to you?” you say, trying to keep him from falling.
“The King Horker,” he falls to the floor with a violent crash. Shortly after, he looks at you again. “Here,” he says, handing over some sort of document, “you must go. The Horker Slayers guild must survive!”
You read the document; it tells you of horkers holding captives and having troops aligned in a way that poses danger to all of Skyrim. “Gods," you mutter, "the horkers are winning!”
And the thus begins the “Saving the Horker Slayers Guild” quest.
So, what absurd guild ideas do you have?