Proper fix for jerky mouse movement?

Post » Mon May 19, 2014 4:24 am

When I look up and down, the mouse is very jerky (not laggy). It seems like an old (and for whatever reason has never been fixed) problem because Google shows me forum threads from 2011 about this issue but I haven't come across any definitive solution through my searching.

In the last two years has a proper fix been found that doesn't involve downloading overclocking software to limit my framerate or installing sketchy mods from sketchy websites to fix?

I've tried the various "fixes" that go into SkyrimPrefs.ini but nothing has worked. Also, turning off Vsync hasn't gotten rid of the mouse lag either. I'm more concerned with the jerky mouse movements though.

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Anna Beattie
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 7:29 pm

First thing to try, disable the Gamepad and Rumble in game options. Sometimes you have to do this in the Prefs and INI files, but the game settings should be enough. For the files, search both for pad to find the two lines you need to change.

Then, try a Wired mouse if you are using a Wireless one. Try updating, or disabling, any Mouse software you have. Earlier versions of Intellimouse have issues with games.

You say you messed with INI settings, did you adjust the ones related to Mouse acceleration?

As for clamping frame rates, that helps with many more things than mouse movement, but if the rest of the game seems to be fine, then don't worry about it. However, clamping your game to something like 48 FPS is a good thing and gives butter smooth gameplay.

As for Dodgy mod sites, those are hard to find. The Nexus is where most every mod author uploads mods to, and that site can't be called dodgy. It had server problems last year, but those have been addressed. There are also quite a few other mod sites that are just fine.

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Post » Mon May 19, 2014 6:38 am

Try that:

  1. Go to \Users\[Username]\My Documents\My Games\Skyrim
  2. Open the SkyrimPrefs.ini file with notepad
  3. Find the line bMouseAcceleration=1 (located under [Controls]) (If there is no line, add it)
  4. Replace the 1 with a 0


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michael danso
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 11:26 pm

If you use an ENB, you can set WaitBusyRenderer=true in enblocal.ini (newer versions) or enbseries.ini (older versions). That should solve the mouse problem perfectly.

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luke trodden
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 11:20 pm

A bit simplistic, but do you have another type of controller (like a gamepad or joystick) hooked up while you're using the mouse? This can cause odd weirdness peculiarities with a lot of titles.

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Elisha KIng
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 8:24 pm

I read that after one of the patches you weren't supposed to use the X and Y sensitivity adjustments any more. I did try them and didn't notice any difference.

That was the first thing I tried.



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Andrew Lang
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 10:17 pm

Tried MSI Afterburner to limit the FPS to 48 and it's mostly gone. Definitely playable. I just wish I didn't have to run third party software to make Skyrim playable.

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Steven Hardman
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Post » Mon May 19, 2014 7:24 am

There were .ini commands for both Morrowind and Oblivion that clamped framerates for you. Can't quite remember what it was called (Lud! I'm useless lately,) and I've never bothered to see if it was part of the Skyrim .ini(s) as I've not encountered many fps issues.

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Post » Mon May 19, 2014 2:50 am

Let me tell you why you were having this issue, and some other's that you may not have noticed. The Physics in this game is tied to the Frame Rates, so if the game is running faster than the display (in most cases this is 60FPS) then the game can render things "out of sync" with the frame. This usually results in a Keystone Kops effect with the NPCs. But it can also make mouse movement jerky. If you want to use something that is more in game, there is an NVSE Plugin called Antilag (it's what I use) that can clamp your frame rates. Then you don't have to use a third party tool like Afterburner.

Install this, run the game, then tweak the cfg file that is created after first use to give you like 48 FPS (anything above 40 is smooth).

The other benefit is this masks the effects of the inevitable frame rate drops in some areas of the game.

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