My followers have disappeared entirely?

Post » Sun May 18, 2014 11:50 pm

My followers, (Lydia and Meeko) have disappeared. I'm entirely sure they're not dead. They're just gone. I checked the places where they would go if I had accidentally dismissed them, but they're not there. I've done quite a bit of fast traveling and dragon killing since I've last seen them, but I finally settled into a town and waited 2 in game days to see if they'd pop up-still haven't seen them.

Got fed up with this and decided to use the console to bring them back (player.placeatme), did it on Lydia first, then realized she wasn't "my" Lydia. She was a fresh one, like when you first meet her. Now I don't know what to do because I have a disobedient Lydia and no Meeko. I realize they're not the best or strongest followers, but dangit I've had them since literally the beginning and have grown attached to them.

Is there anything I can do to fix this besides using a previous save? I have the unofficial patch, which I thought was supposed to fix problems like this.


Realized I was using the wrong command. Used "prid" then "moveto player" and got them back.

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Ross Thomas
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