Visual bug with Ahzidal's Armor and 2-handed weapons

Post » Mon May 19, 2014 1:33 am

I'm experiencing a strange visual issue that seems related to Ahzidal's Armor of Retribution. I'm running on PC, with no mods installed, and all 3 DLCs active.

Upon first picking up and equipping Ahzidal's Armor of Retribution, I didn't notice anything strange. Then I went back to the mainland and visited Kynesgrove, where Delphine and Alduin & his dragon friend were waiting for me.

I didn't wait for Alduin's speech; as soon as Sahloknir started manifesting, I started attacking him with my Ancient Nord Battleaxe. He went down pretty quickly, but I noticed that since then (and I believe during the fight as well), whenever I draw or sheathe my battleaxe, or whenever I make a standing power attack, in first person mode I can see what looks like a dark fleck of dragon skin attaching to the axe handle. It doesn't appear when I draw or sheathe a bow. Haven't tried one-handed weapons yet.

I wonder if it has anything to do with the way Sahloknir's skin was reattaching itself to his body as I was attacking him.

Regardless, the effect stops when I unequip Ahzidal's Armor of Retribution. So I'm not sure if the issue is the armor itself, or the way I just bull-rushed through that quest stage without being patient.

Annoyingly, the effect is there even when I reload an earlier save, from before I attacked Sahloknir.

Any thoughts?

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Post » Mon May 19, 2014 4:48 am

Just as a follow-up, I learned that the first-person visual bug appears to be associated with wearing Ancient Nordic Armor and wielding a 2-handed weapon. Nothing Sahloknir-related. Since Ahzidal's Armor of Retribution is visually identical to Ancient Nord Armor, that must be why I'm experiencing this annoyance.

At any rate, I wonder if there is any way to fix this visual glitch. Is the location of the first-person 'camera' perhaps to blame? If so, would it be possible to adjust it and avoid the glitch?

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Post » Mon May 19, 2014 1:15 am

Hallo, JaberkatysHusband !!!!

Well, have you the unofficial patches installed ???

You could just sell your battleaxe and buy a new one, and see what happens with this dragon skin attached to your weapon.

You could before buying a new battleaxe, wait for 31 days (in-game).


> Regardless, the effect stops when I unequip Ahzidal's Armor of Retribution. <

There is a mod for an alternate Ahzidal War armor set. !!!! (You can try that on a new save, in case something goes wrong. !!!)

(Just copy paste the DraugrMashupArmor.bsa and DraugrMashupArmor.esp to your C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim\Data folder.

Run BOSS, and after that check the mod in your skyrim->data files menu. !!! (if it's checked (V))

How you get the armor:

Go to Dragonreach in whiterun and when entered go to the room on the left with all the food. There will be a chest on the closet, open it and get the items !
(Female and male armor.)

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