Are orc crafted bows always better than an elf bow? Or just a gameplay thing?
Are orc crafted bows always better than an elf bow? Or just a gameplay thing?
We have had only one game with Orc and Elven Bows, Skyrim. In that game, Elven Bows are better than Orcish Bows
The other games do not have these:
In the Online game, the material/improvement is what matters for damage rather than the style. And, you can make whatever style you want in all the materials
I'd say its mostly a gameplay thing, for the most part. I'd argue that weapons and materials would generally have different properties and degrade at different rates, but the repair mechanic hasn't been implemented in awhile. Aside from Ebony and Daedric being put up on a pedestal, the pros and cons of all the other materials are all pretty wishy washy.