in literally every other series, as well as Skyrim, Turn undead is a healer's spell meant to be used by clerics,/holyman/healers/whathaveyou, but in Morrowind, it is a conjuration spell. Anyone know a mod that changes that?
in literally every other series, as well as Skyrim, Turn undead is a healer's spell meant to be used by clerics,/holyman/healers/whathaveyou, but in Morrowind, it is a conjuration spell. Anyone know a mod that changes that?
It should be easy to do yourself. Just select gameplay/magic effects in the CS, look for turn undead and change it.
Yes, although it's called the construction set in MW, same thing though.
edit: I can walk you through it if you're not sure how.
If you have the Steam GOTY version you'll need to DL Papill6n' TESCS fix first since the Steam version doesn't have the CS.
Thanks, did it and all, but how do i save it correctly?
Select save as and name it what you want. That will create an .esp file that you check like any other mod.
Okay, thanks, did not know if saving it would save then entire thing (I had morrowind ESP, Both DLC, and the codepatch esP selected as loaded) as an ESP or just the change to the spell
You shouldn't have anything unnecessary selected as that will make it dependent. I recommend redoing it with only MW esm selected.
Tried that, but it would then give me as massive list of error messages saying certain things were different then what is was supposed to be.
EDIT: nevermind, just tried it again and it worked, thanks for all the help.