Not Playing as the LDB

Post » Wed May 21, 2014 5:11 pm

I'm doing a playthrough where my character isn't Dragonborn. Actually 9 times out of 10 I do that. But I always do Bleak Falls Barrow/Dragon Rising, to get a good start with loot & gold, and to bring Dragons to Skyrim. I'm kind of considering not doing it this time though, because I don't want to have to pretend I didn't absorb Milmunir's soul for the millionth time. Though a 4th Era Skyrim without dragons is not only weird, but would conflict so hard with a lot of dialogue.

What do you think? Should I do it or nah? Do you bring back Dragons on your non-DB playthroughs?

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Inol Wakhid
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Post » Thu May 22, 2014 12:30 am

I have often pretended that somewhere out there in my game is the dragonborn. Its just not me. It explains the dragons and all that. I just RP that I helped with Bleak Falls Barrow and the dragon attack simply because I felt it was the right thing to do. Since buying Breezehome or doing the Civil War requires Dragon Rising finished, there is often no choice. I just pretend that I did not absorb the soul, and unless I need to I don't even bother going back and speaking with the Jarl.

I then avoid word walls and just RP each dragon I do slay simply burns before me.

I do this with every of my non dragonborn characters, which are 90% of them. Some have triggered the dragons and others have not. Again it depends on the requirements if I need Dragon Rising finished in order to access the quests I want.

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Harry Hearing
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Post » Wed May 21, 2014 11:58 pm

I actually just got done doing a Dragonborn playthrough after forever. I rarely play a Dragonborn. I never bother with Bleak Falls Barrow, or even the dragons except when I finally do a Dragonborn playthrough. I just go at my own pace and mainly settle with doing Dawnguard or just other stuff. Though part of me is bothered by the fact that its really hard to play as a nondragonborn with everything throwing word walls at you. I just wish one couldn't learn words until doing Bleak Falls Barrow or after. Like the word walls are still there, but it would be nice if nothing happens. I guess its because I've been spoiled with Oblivion and being able to completely ignore and forget about the main quest and just be whoever I wanted to be right from the getgo. I could same the same about Morrowind too in fact.

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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Thu May 22, 2014 3:37 am

I can't play that whole i'm not Dragonborn thing i've tried it does'nt work for me. but i know alot of people do i just can't ignore things or pretend that they don't exsist. but thats just me though i'm not jugging you. and yes i always role play my characters.

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Post » Wed May 21, 2014 9:43 pm

Ah, i forgot about the CW...and im considering doing it for once!

Damn you Balgruuf, guilting me into helping RP is to find my bro, not lurk in creepy tombs for you. :stare:
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Post » Wed May 21, 2014 8:18 pm

*shrug* Maybe it is the JRPG/old-style RPG player in me, but i nearly always do the main quest in TES games and RP my character as eventually becoming Neravarine/CoC/Dragonborn

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Jennifer Rose
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Post » Wed May 21, 2014 8:28 pm

my civil war characters usually help him with it so he will stop fussing about dragons and give me an answer in regards to what side he is going to take.

I actually RP my companion faction character as doing this as a job from the Jarl. Dragons are a problem so who better to call on then the Companions?

And its easy to avoid word walls. Its not like they just sneak up on you. And since you never visit High Hrothgar, Miraak's cultists never stalk you and you can freely go about Solstheim... just don't use a bed or your wake up at a shrine.

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