Hi, I just started to play Morrowind on my MAC with the Wineyard port app thingy and Im trying to understand how to install mods. I suppose it shouldn't be much difference from doing it on PC but my feeble attempts haven't been very successful so far.
I understand you're supposed to drop the contents of the mods in to the data folder right? If the folder contains a new folder for "texture" and "mesh" for example I should take those files and drop them in the existing folders and not override them. At least that seemed most sensible to me. But so far I've only been able to make one graphic replacement mod work this way. (Imperials redone)
And ESP files are just put in the DATA folder? Cause that doesn't seem to work either (tried something for faster run speed)
I also took a stab at using MGE XE, but it seems it won't work unless I have a Windows with directX am I correct?
Im also curious if there's a mod handler that would work on a MAC with running through this port.
Im very bad with computers, sorry. I'd be most thankful for a little advice.