Skyrim Mods Issue

Post » Fri May 23, 2014 4:10 am

So Ive played Skyrim for a while with no problems. I got Skyrim with steam and I play Skyrim with steam so its up to date and I got all DLCs. I have added some mods by subscribing to them on Skyrim Workshop.

Yesterday I got a steam update, I ran it and the game itself still works fine. Later I subscribed to some new graphic mods for Skyrim in the same way as before. But as soon as I start Skyrim this error message pops up "failed to enumerate subscribed files". All other mods Ive already installed work fine. But it seems like steam and the workshop are having trouble communicating or connecting. Because when I got the other mods before I started having this problem I saw a text on the bottom of the menu that said that it was checking so all mods were up to date. Well that text isnt coming up anymore. New mods just arent installing when I subscribe to them and Skyrim isnt checking for updates on the mods anymore.

I read on other forums that just restarting steam a few times should solve it. I restarted steam like 20 times, didnt help. I also saw some say there is a limit to how many mods you can have installed and thats 50. And apperently if you try to install more mods when you have reached 50 you will get this error message. Well I counted how many mods I have and Im only at 38. So thats not it.

A problem shows up right after the latest steam update, that makes me think that the steam update messed something up. Everything worked fine before it.

So anyone got a solution to this problem?

I would appreciate any help with this.

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Post » Fri May 23, 2014 1:52 am

Did you even see if the game worked? It probably does. See this thread, ignore the Registry hacks that are suggested as they no longer apply.

But, it basically devolves to, let Steam Sort this out over time. There are things to try like disabling the Cloud Sync and things like that to perhaps encourage Steam to validate your mod list.
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Teghan Harris
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Post » Fri May 23, 2014 2:00 pm

Yes the game still works fine. The problem is, long story short. New mods wont install. And I have read that post and unless I missed something I have tried every solution there.

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