Hi it's me again. I can't for the life of me get this to work. Does the different folders need to be in the texture folder or does the files from the folder need to be in the root of the texture folder? I already tried both anyway. Well, also having some trouble to see if there's any difference with using the Better Armor mod adapted for better bodies. But those files are just Meshes, what are meshes exactly anyway?, is that just how everything fits the character models with no changes in graphics? Is there any prerequisite mods I need for this to work? Or can it be cause I play on a Mac? The improved texture mods of buildings and ground all work fine though so it confuses me. Or maybe theres just not that much difference, but 0 difference is a bit steep.
Ok that was a lot of rambling with not much to go on. Still maybe one of you modwizes can help me, thanks