I remembered there was a bug that if one sell 5+ Stack Items all at once to a Merchant, he will get the Gold, but not Speech experience. Does this bug still exist? I cannot find it on both wiki Patch/Bug Pages.
I remembered there was a bug that if one sell 5+ Stack Items all at once to a Merchant, he will get the Gold, but not Speech experience. Does this bug still exist? I cannot find it on both wiki Patch/Bug Pages.
I don't think it's so much that we don't get any experience, but that you only get experience for one item per sale; the other nine items don't count.
Source: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Speech#Gaining_Skill_XP
I am on PC.
Here is areference, I am definitely not dreaming, but I cannot find whether this bug still exist/fixed on athe Wiki =/
"When you sell an item to a merchant, you get skill experience based on the cost of that item. It only counts for the first item, so sell expensive stacks of items one at a time." (http://www.carlsguides.com/walkthroughs/skyrim/stealth/speech.php)
Ok, so I guess it still exists. Thank you.
Sorry, I was looking at Merchants, Bugs, Patches, Money Pages, & not the Speech Page...