The following are my own expectations from the Next Elder Scrolls game.
Last Gen Features:
* At Least DirectX11, prefferably MANTLE/DirectX12 (I′m sick of DX9, seriously just get rid of that slow and ancient crap)
* 64Bit Executable
Other Features:
* Shadows Drawn by the GPU
* GPU based Physics.
* Next version of Papyrus should be super fast and not attach to the Save Game (like Oblivion but more powerful than Skyrim)
* Dump the Creation/GameBryo Engine once and for all, So when are we going to the fruits of Bethesda acquiring ID Software?
Game Features:
* Physics like Hair, Weapons, Fur, Clothes and Courtains (why implement Havok when they are only using it for object Collisions?)
* Waves and Flow Based Water Shader in Rivers. (Yes please! if not at least make it so that in the Modding Tools we can change the strength and flow of the water, i am tired of this flat mesh with shaders... GTA4 and Saints Row2 had waves... why can`t TES have properly Waves?)
* Body Part Damage, i want to 1 hit kill enemies who i shot in the head... i want to enemies get stunned for a bit when hit in the legs, enemies dropping their weapons when hit in the hands. (Arrow in the face... enemy does not minds, he is happy to have 3 arrows on each eye)
* Climbing... PLEASE! i want to climb houses, trees, rocks and everthing else just like in GTAIV style at least or better
* Bring back Player Looking at objects (it was such a great feature in Oblivion... why Bethesda, why?)
* Bring back Underwater combat (i can slay dragons, slow time, cast powerful shouts and spells but not swing my sword under the water to kill a SlaughterFish? Dragons, Bah! Slaughterfish is the real thing.
* Grass that moves as you pass through them (I think i saw in the GameJam video a Fat Giant pushing a tree aside and grass as he passed through, we want more features like this)
* More Realistic Weather and Effects, i want to see Trees that sway back and forth on heavy Storms, Rainbows, Shooting Stars, Blizzard that blinds you and freeze you to death if not wearing correct armor/clothes, Storms with strong random Lightning and Thunder effects and making player and ncps wet, Realistic Raindrops that fall from the Sky and collide with objects, so you can finally get under an object and not get wet, actors leaving corresponding footprint in snow, mud and sand.
* MUCH More Animal Variation, Behaviors and Food Chain, i want to see Predators that get scared when player cast spells or run away when stronger enemies/beast show up, Prey that becomes hostile when cornered, i want to see Prey and Predators have their on agenda like foxes preying on farm chickens at night (complete with animations), animals taking a nap, prey searching for greens to eat or predators stalking and killing an animal without going on a frenzy and kill everything after they got their prey.
* More Insect types, flies that swarms in a corpse that has been dead for couple days (don`t make them disappear unless they are in the cities, have guards pick them up!), roaches that roam on dirty places and insects who CANNOT push the player aside with their mighty strength, i get constantly picked up by Butterflies in Skyrim who land on my feet, then they raise me up and throw me several feet from where i was standing (yeah...)
* Realistic Economy, make every Septim/Gold/Coins be actually worth something and hard to earn and be scarce, i also want to see different coins with their own lower or higher value.
* NPCs that have a much better life schedule, i want to see them go out and buy food, gather at home and Eat at certain hours, play cards, do work and chat to a lot of other npcs, go to sleep and why not? go out and take a piss at night haha, i want to stalk every single Citizen in the world and see them do something at all times each day, i think Oblivion did a better job regarding schedules than Skyrim, most of the time you find citizens on Skyrim doing less things in the day than in Oblivion.
* Much much powerful Magic based enemies, yet much less encounters with them (never made sense why there where so many Mages on Lowly Bandit groups... where did they learned to cast spells? and should they really turn into thieves after learning Transmutation?, seriously... it does not makes any sense...
* Better and more realistic Lightning System, specially Interiors.
* Much better NPC enemy reaction upon discovering their fallen ally, like start searching the place like crazy and don`t stop till they find you or call for help, i hate that they never seem to mind when they find a killed ally, i also hate the fact that when you screw up and got discovered you can always wait (1 min) till they calm down and forget about the fact you`re hiding inside their hideout waiting to murder them... have the player be responsible for screwing up the mission, that`s what the damn Saving Feature (anytime and anywhere) is there in the first place.
* Fix the damn collisions! sometimes you see a place where you think you can sneak in and get in... turns out, you can`t because most of the collisions are wrongly set, even the floor sometimes has a wrong collision who is lower or higher than where you standing, Come on Bethesda.
Many of the above has been implemented by Modders, such as PlayerHeadTracking, FootPrints, Better Weather, etc, but seriously... should we just as consumers wait till modders (We again) implement what should have been in the game from the beginning? there is really no excuse for Bethesda why not to implement many if not all of these requests, Specially DX11, 64Bit Exe and GPU Shadows & Physics Since Consoles and PC are so much alike this Generation. Witcher3 will have most of these features, so this forces Bethesda to do MUCH better than Previous Games.
And PLEASE BETHESDA... if you need more time to finish the game properly JUST TAKE AS MUCH TIME AS YOU CAN, i am tired of Good games getting release in a poor state... it′s not cool, i rather wait another full year as long as the game runs perfectly as expected, and is at least 90% rid of nasty Bugs.