I can't find anything on this.
It might be me being stupid.
I'm level 21
I enter the battle, Miraak starts talking, I attack him anyways because I don't give a crap about the arrogant bastard and I just want to reset my perks, get out of there, and tame dragons.
The rest of the questline was glitch-free and super fun.
I get him down quite a bit (I don't think 30%? Sorry, I'm not sure) he poofs away and dragons start flying around.
Now what...?
I've been sitting here and waiting forever.
Killed a dragon. He isn't reappearing.
At this point, I'm so frustrated I kinda just want to console kill him and leave and get outta there.
But where the hell is he? He just isn't reappearing.
Is there something I'm supposed to do?