Looking for creative uses of Dragonborn's Redoran tileset!

Post » Mon May 26, 2014 11:35 pm

So at the moment, I'm trying to build a Morrowind-style Ancestral Tomb. Thanks to Dragonborn, I've got the ash pits and Dunmer-style urns, and with some help from a little mood lighting, scattered bones, fog effects and cobwebs, I've managed to create a fairly spooky atmosphere. I even managed to use texture sets to recolour some Dwarven rubble, leading to a little cave nook with some hidden loot, which I think looks pretty cool.

The problem is, the Redoran tileset is just so... bland. My dungeon layout (with the exception of my cave nook) pretty much consists of "boxy room, boxy room, boxy hallway leading to a couple of boxy rooms". It's boring!

Has anyone managed to use the Redoran tileset to create interesting dungeons? Links, screenshots, and just general ideas are all VERY appreciated.

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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Mon May 26, 2014 12:59 pm

I haven't messed with that particular tileset, but kit-bashing is always a good way to mix up the room/hallway stuff. For example, having one of the walls in a room give way to a cave set or something similar, though I think that's what you meant by the cave nook. Even something as simple as having one of the hallways being collapsed/blocked off by rubble can mix up the layout a bit.

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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Mon May 26, 2014 8:25 pm

Yeah, that's what I meant. I have resorted to a LOT of kitbashing for this dungeon, for exactly that reason. But I'm really more looking for examples that I can get some inspiration from. :)

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