Companions for a Meat of Champions run?

Post » Tue May 27, 2014 12:13 pm

Alright, so the next character I've decided to play is going to be a New Caananite/Josusha Gramham disciple who comes back to the Mojave after Honest Hearts with a somewhat, well, creative interpetation of Scripture. Particularly concerning Transubstantiation and the Last Supper, "this is my flesh, this is my blood" thinking that if the Bible endores eating the Son of God - I suppose it's good to have a varied diet.

General SPECIAL is High AGI. LCK, CHA, low STR. Ultimate Campaign aim: Become the head of Christian Cannibal cult, think super-extreme Pentecostalism and of course, eat Mr. House, President Kimall, Ceasar, and the King along the way (Yum!).

The problem I'm having is figuring out what companions I'd like to take with me since I'd not like to waste the high CHA score, but going this path is not going to put me on the best of terms with a lot of companions for various reasons:

Boone - is not going to like me eating the president of the NCR.

Cass - hates evil characters

Arcade - I'll be doing a few missions with the Legion, just to get close to Ceasar, but I'm going to eventually side with Yes Man. Acade won't join me because of Legion ties.

Veronica - Generally doesn't care as long as you stay on good terms with the Brotherhood of Steel. However, I want to sneak around a bit and Veronica doesn't have sneak tagged and will give me away.

Raul - Same problem as Veronica, doesn't have sneak tagged.

Sooo that seems like that leaves Lily. I'm worried however about Lily's surviability, her being a melee companion that can't wear armor. Is she normally fine with a high CHA or is she also going to need me to mantain Ferocious Loyalty to keep her alive on VH/HC?

Also how does sneaking work with Rex and ED-E? Do I have to leave them at home if I want to sneak around?

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Amie Mccubbing
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