I'm going to update Dave Humphrey's Furniture mod at some point, not right now but it's something I'd really enjoy so I will once I finish some of my current projects.
I never liked LeFemme armour because I have a strong distaste of boobplates but I have to admit the armour has some potential, and the addition of more medium armour sounds inticing, so I might try a De-Femme of it at some point. I kind of envisioned this as a sort of joke mod since DeFemming armours specifically designed with that look in mind is something I don't think many would think of doing, but I'd like to give it a shot.
I might redo a couple old armour mods I've found as well, such as the Jade Armour mod, it'd be a good excuse to learn a bit more about making armour.
I'm gonna clean up some of the workings of Lights 300 as well. None of the icons have transparent backgrounds so I'm gonna fix that, add weight to a lot of the modified lights, and attach dh_furn scripts to them.
Better Bodies deserves an update. I believe a few people are working on this, I know MacKom was going to do his own BB update after he finished his head replacer, looking forward to that.
I'd love to see The Neverhalls remade using a new tileset based on the Falmer architecture from Skyrim's Dawnguard DLC, can't imagine when I'd see that happen though, it'd be a lot of work.
That's all I can think of at the moment.