Lorewise: Nord
Strengwise: Orc
Lorewise: Nord
Strengwise: Orc
Nord makes the most sense imo as you're the destined hero of Skyrim, home of the Nords who are the only race to use the thu'um. Even the guy in the background here and official trailers is a Nord
Not Quite Correct
For One - We still do not know what race tiber septim was
For Two - Kynareth gave the power of the voice to all mortals
if you really want to go complete within the lore and the game setting NORD and pro empire
OOHH no not a http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mL7n5mEmXJo
I would say a hammer actually. Just a playstyle I think an Orc would be most suited to would be a defensive warrior. Heavy armor and block with a 2H weapon, let them close in on you and try to break through the armor and then stun them with a shield punch (in this case a hammer punch), and then few heavy blows with the hammer.
Pick whatever fits you best though.
If I play a Nord, they've usually got a non-Nord father and a mother who died when they were small, so they were born and raised in Cyrodiil (or sometimes High Rock or Sumerset) with a fairly poor knowledge of Skyrim and its traditions. (This works nicely with the fact that a child takes the racial traits of the mother...Although the dead mother is a bit Disney.)
Tiber was dragonborn so race doesn't apply but I believe Nords are the only non-dragonborn race that can use the thu'um as they were the only ones who were written to have done so.
Treated as an outsider by the Empire/Imperials, fellow Nords will call you kinsman.
That's a bit different because you're dealing with strictly Dunmer demi-gods, not easily made into another version for another culture to tell because they don't have the same type of relationship with god-like beings. Also the prophecy of the Nerevarine is related specifically to a Chimer, which we all know would become the Dunmer.
However, in Skyrim the prophecy is about someone called a "Dragonborn" and that prophecy could easilly have different versions with a similar hero-type that is the equivalent - someone who is blessed by Akatosh whom is known as several different deities of the other races except for the Dunmer which is why Morrowind is quite unique of the previous 3 titles.
Quite possible, but the opposite is equally as possible since there is never a specific mention iirc of it ever being just a Nord thing. Though there is no doubt that is of Nordic origin as they were the chosen race to be taught by Paarthurnax.
If you are looking for RP reasons for an orc dragonborn, perhaps you can spin it as a lesson sent by the gods to teach the currently xenophobic nords, and even all races (who all generally hate orcs) the error of their ways.
Go with Orc. Makes more sense from an RP perspective (unless you like the "Foreign Native" thing that Nord Dragonborn are forced into) and it's damn good fun to defy expectations.
Lorewise, it's open to all races, though I guess I understand why someone would be bothered by the idea of their non-Nord dragonborn being invited to stay in Sovngarde. (I know I was. Why would I want to spend eternity in such a hellhole?) But it's just an invitation. You can take it or laugh in his face.
IIRC, you're only referred to as a "foreigner" when you join the Stormcloaks as a Nord. But just like every other race, it's pretty clear that nobody considers you a Skyrim native.
Nord, if only because it makes more sense. Plus, vampire Nord Dragonborn ranger/scout with dual swords sounds awesome.
Also make an Orc werewolf heavy orcish armor Volendrung (likely misspelled) and the RING OF HIRCINE!
Hmm... I've done that myself at times lol
They may have been the only ones recorded, however they were the only ones who had to learn the voice because they were subject to dragons