Out of curiosity, Epicfail, where are you from? Because if it's either England or America, your history teachers are the Epicfail. But because I'm bored and "Google it" won't relieve said boredom...
The Boston Tea Party did not cause the American Revolution. The American Revolution was caused by a tax disagreement, the Boston Tea Party was simply a symptom. In essence, a bunch of English colonists in what would become the Eastern United States and a bunch of French colonists in what would become Eastern Canada had a war, the English backed their colonists and the French backed theirs, and both countries wracked up a metric [censored]ton of debt and dead bodies. Seeing as how the colonists started the war and it was the English what did the dying, Parliament felt like the colonists ought to pick up the tab. So, they started slapping taxes on everything they could, and the colonists weren't none too happy about it, seeing as they didn't have any representation or citizen's rights. So they had a bunch of protests, some folks died, the colonists declared their independence, and the English sent the army over to put those uppity colonists in their place. They had a war, in which the colonists were losing badly, when they suddenly managed to get support and training from the French (Eager to stick a finger in the eye of England) and some Prussians (Generally eager to stick a finger in the eye of everyone who wasn't Prussian), and this combined with incompetent leadership and [censored] supply lines (Reinforcements had to cross an ocean) led the colonists' fighting retreat to turn into a reversal and we kicked the English out. And that's how the ongoing American tax debate started.