So I am in Solstheim and start running into Werebears and they are all wrong. The npc's appear fine at first and I see them go through the transformation to a Werebear just fine but upon completion of the transformation they become invisible. After I kill them the body remains invisible and a human head hanging in space a few feet off the ground appears. Not sure what might be causing this. Here is my list Active Mod Files:
00 Skyrim.esm01 Update.esm02 Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp [Version 2.0.4a]03 Dawnguard.esm04 Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp [Version 2.0.4]05 HearthFires.esm06 Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp [Version 2.0.4]07 Dragonborn.esm08 Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp [Version 2.0.2]09 ApachiiHair.esm0A ApachiiHairMales.esm0B ApachiiHairFemales.esm0C AzarHair.esm0D Fantasy Soundtrack Project.esp [Version 2.0]0E DynamicLoot.esm0F OblivionHairPackAIO.esm10 RaceCompatibility.esm11 SkyMoMod.esm12 FM - HaafingarHall.esm13 GeneralStores.esm14 Cutting Room Floor.esp [Version 1.0.6]15 SMIM-DungeonsCliffsIceSkirts.esp16 CustomRaces.esp17 Headtracking.esp18 SPIKE.esm19 fFastTravelSpeedMult_4.esp [Version 1.0]1A LovelyHairstylesCE.esp1B ELFX - Exteriors.esp1C ERSO 04 - Mighty Odahviing.esp1D Run For Your Lives.esp [Version 1.2.2]1E moonpath.esm1F FCO - Follower Commentary Overhaul.esp20 LB Lustmord Vampire.esp21 Matera.esp22 SMIM-DragonbornTernFix.esp23 DynamicLoot_DB.esp24 ERSO 04.2 - Mighty Durnehviir.esp25 RaceMenu.esp26 Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp27 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp28 CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp29 ELFX - Dawnguard.esp2A WATER DG.esp2B ERSO 03 - Mighty Dragons DG.esp2C Improved Eyes Skyrim.esp2D Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp2E ERSO 06 - Wait More Time Dragon Encounter x3.0.esp2F DisableHDREffects.esp30 FlansEyesForSkrim.esp [Version 1.5]31 RutahTattooPack.esp32 UnreadBooksGlow.esp [Version 2.2.0]33 Informative Blacksmith.esp34 Informative Disease.esp35 LB Mandu Armor.esp36 lm_astronach.esp [Version 1.0]37 AMatterOfTime.esp [Version 1.00]38 MacKom_LoreStylesHairSet.esp39 MashupUNP.esp3A ERSO 03.3 - Mighty Dawnguard Dragons.esp3B moonpath_questdata.esp3C SkyUI.esp3D TradeBarter.esp3E AchieveThat.esp3F Neo's Devilmaid2.esp40 Neo's Witch.esp41 ERSO 03 - Mighty Dragons.esp42 Astaroth Horns - All in one.esp43 ELFX - Dragonborn.esp44 BetterQuestObjectives-Hearthfire.esp45 ERSO 03.4 - Mighty Dragonborn Dragons.esp46 RaceMenuPlugin.esp47 DynamicLoot_DG.esp48 SMIM-FurnitureChestSnowFix.esp49 StaticMeshImprovementMod-FurnitureChestSnowFix.esp4A BetterQuestObjectives-DBForevertoMisc.esp4B StaticMeshImprovementMod-DragonbornTernFix.esp4C StaticMeshImprovementMod-DungeonsCliffsIceSkirts.esp4D Symphonies Of Skyrim.esp4E FantasySoundtrackProjectCombatMusic.esp4F NR_FSP_SoS_Music_Compatibility_Patch.esp [Version 1.1]50 UFO - Dragonborn AddOn.esp51 WATER DB.esp52 WATER.esp53 Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp54 SkyRe_Main.esp55 Better_Standing_Stones.esp56 ForgottenSettlements.esp57 ethereal_elven_overhaul.esp58 BetterQuestObjectives.esp59 RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp5A BetterQuestObjectives-Dawnguard.esp5B Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp [Version 2.3]5C LB Dread Knight.esp5D Radiant and Unique Potions Poisons and Booze.esp5E BetterQuestObjectives-SkyRePatch.esp5F Better Ancient NordPickaxe Reward.esp60 Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp61 Better Favor Jobs.esp62 CAMP.esp63 Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp [Version v6.5.2]64 FSP - Dawnguard Edition.esp65 SkyRe_SIC Crossbowfix.esp [Version v6.1.2]66 MountainCitys.esp67 Helgen Reborn.esp [Version 105.3]68 ELFXEnhancer.esp69 LPBards.esp6A CWIELnFXPatch.esp6B Acquisitive Soul Gems.esp6C Dr_Bandolier.esp6D Dead Body Collision.esp6E Dragon Soul Relinquishment.esp6F Silverlight Armor.esp70 PerfectFalkreath.esp71 OBIS.esp72 OBISDB.esp73 Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp [Version v6.5.2]74 TheEvilMansionFE.esp75 LF-Skymo-Dawn.esp76 SkyRe_EncounterZones.esp77 Inns and Taverns.esp78 DawnofWindhelm.esp79 UNP Jewelry Variants V3.esp7A ERSO 07 - Mighty Dragon Priests.esp7B CCOR_SkyRe_Patch.esp7C Smithing Perks Overhaul_Remade.esp7D noguardhelmets.esp7E Immersive Weapons.esp7F Lore Weapon Expansion.esp [Version 1.2]80 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp81 EMCompViljaSkyrim.esp82 SMIM-FarmhouseFlickeringFix.esp83 StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp84 EMViljaInSolstheimAddOn.esp85 Solstheim Castle.esp86 DawnofRiften.esp87 Better Master Trainers.esp88 DynamicLoot_LoreWeaponExpansion.esp89 SPTDiverseGuardsSkyrim.esp [Version 4.4]8A UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp8B LC_immersiveLoot.esp8C ERSO 03.5 - New Dragon Loots.esp8D 03_solstheim_extendend.esp8E GDWeaponry.esp8F ElementalArrows.esp90 juhan Village.esp91 Better Raven Rock.esp92 Kitiara.esp93 BetterQuestObjectives-UFOPatch.esp94 DynamicLoot_ImmersiveArmors&Weapons.esp95 SkyRe_EnemyScaling.esp96 CCOR_IW_Patch.esp97 CCO_SIC_Patch.esp98 CCOR_IA7_Patch.esp99 WhiterunAlivePiano.esp9A Immersive Followers.esp9B CWIDawnDragonPatch.esp9C ELFX - Moonpath.esp9D FjolfrFollower.esp9E MissingTotemPuzzlePillars.esp9F Princess Solitude Barnacle Cottage.espA0 Mirkwood.espA1 SMIM-ShackRoofFixesDragonborn.espA2 More Interesting Loot for Skyrim.espA3 MC-Fiona.espA4 RavenNest.espA5 SMIM-ShackRoofFixes.espA6 SkyRe_StandingStones.espA7 FM - HHall Exterior.espA8 SkyRe_Races.espA9 PC Exclusive Animation Path - 0 - Main.espAA PC Exclusive Animation Path - Argonian.espAB PC Exclusive Animation Path - Khajiit.espAC CCOR_SkyRe_Races_Patch.espAD EEO patch.espAE ERSO 09 - Vendor Trainer Quest-giver protected USKP.espAF CWINPCImprovements.espB0 Improved Eyes Skyrim - Vamp.espB1 VTF-Dawnguard.espB2 PC Exclusive Animation Path - Nord.espB3 PC Exclusive Animation Path - Imperial.espB4 PC Exclusive Animation Path - DarkElf.espB5 PC Exclusive Animation Path - ORC.espB6 PC Exclusive Animation Path - WoodElf.espB7 PC Exclusive Animation Path - Breton.espB8 PC Exclusive Animation Path - HighElf.espB9 PC Exclusive Animation Path - RedGuard.espBA SkyRe_EnemyAI.espBB CampingKitNorthernRanger.espBC oakwood.espBD Kate.espBE BP2RiftenHome.espBF FM - UNP Merchants.espC0 hg.espC1 FM - UNP Merchants LvLists.espC2 WATER Plants.espC3 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp [Version 1.2.8]C4 CAMP Users.espC5 Alice.espC6 iNeed.espC7 Gildergreen Regrown.esp [Version 1.2.6]C8 ERSO 05 - Dovah Holy Book.espC9 SkyRe_Combat.espCA LB Lady Bat.espCB Amanda.espCC LB Medusa Armor.espCD Lyla.espCE Michelle.espCF Misha.espD0 BetterQuestObjectives-PaarDilemmaPatch.espD1 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp [Version 2.4]D2 BetterQuestObjectives-AlternateStartPatch.espD3 Bashed Patch, 0.espD4 ASIS-Dependency.espD5 ReProccer.espD6 Automatic Variants.espD7 ASIS.espD8 EveryBody's Different.esp